Chapter 49: The Grand Opening

Start from the beginning

But that excitement came to a sudden stop when my eyes caught someone entering the building.

"What the hell is she doing here?" I asked angrily.

"Who?" Tiff asked, trying to find the woman my eyes were blazing at.

Following behind her was my bodyguard.

Perfect. He can throw her ass out of here before she come any further.

I made a beeline in her direction. Tiff followed at my side. I stopped right in her path, crossing my arms with a stone expression on my face.

"Not another step," I laced immediately. Her eyes almost fell out of their sockets when she saw me.

"I.. this.. this is your grand opening?" she stuttered.

"Miss. Hollen, I'll like to introduce you. This is my girlfriend, LaTasha," Jordan spoke up. I watched as he turned to her, putting an arm around her waist, "Babe, this is my boss, the one and only Miss. Zenobia Hollen," he introduced.

My brain did a three-sixty turn in my head. LaTasha's face was pleading, tears glistened her eyes and she was giving the signal of 'please don't say a word to him'

"I can't believe this," I said with a laugh.

"What's funny?" Jordan asked, looking between his girlfriend and I, "You two know each other?"

"No," she spat out quickly.

"We've met," I spoke.

"How... judging by the tension between the two of you, there's something going on. What's going on?" Jordan observed.

"Are you going to tell him?" I directed to LaTasha now.

"Tell me what?" Jordan asked again.

"Tell him, tell him how you met me and WHERE you met me," I said to her yet again.

"Zenobia... don't start this. You don't want to start this," she answered.

"It has already started," Tiff spoke up, eyeing her dangerously, "We don't want to do this here. Maybe we should find an office," she finished.

"Good idea because I need to hear this," Jordan said. He held onto LaTasha's hand and took the lead to finding an empty room.


Away from the music and everyone else, we filed into Tiffany's office.

"Just what is going on, that's the last time I'm going to ask," Jordan said to LaTasha's face, "And I want to hear from you."

"Jordan.. umm.. We hit a rough patch some weeks back," she began.

Jordan held up his hand, silencing her. "We didn't hit anything. You were the one pushing me away for unknown reasons," he told her.

She eyed me and I eyed her too. We both knew what and who that reason was.

I smiled coyly and sat down. Tiffany followed suit and so did LaTasha. Jordan remained standing. He paced back and forth slowly between us.

"You know what, she's not going to tell you the truth, so I will," I said.

"Ohh. I'm going to love this," Tiff chimed.

"I'm listening," Jordan said.

"Don't listen to anything she says. She's a liar!" LaTasha shouted.

"Girl, shut up!" Tiff said to her.

"Your precious girlfriend here is a stalker who has an obsession with Kyle Livingston," I said.

"WHAT?" Jordan asked, stopping his pace and turning to his girlfriend.

"We met at Kyle's apartment. That's where I know her from. She even tried to follow me to my place because she thought I was going to get in her way with Kyle. She didn't act like she was already in a relationship with you, Jordan."

"What the hell were you doing at Kyle's apartment?" he asked her.

"And with her top off," I added.

Jordan looked like he was about to explode. His eyes locked onto his girlfriend without a shift or blink. She was silent. Scolded and exposed like a child, she stood up and walked towards him.

"Yes, I was there. Yes, I always liked Kyle. He and I were supposed to be together. Not you and I, and him and this rich entitled princess over here!" she spoke up.

"LaTasha, are you serious right now, are you serious!?"

"I'm not happy with you, Jordan! I'm not in love with you. I don't love you!"

"Why you didn't just say that, huh? I've been sensing something was wrong and I kept asking you, and everytime you would lie to me and say that you were happy and that I completed you. What was all that bullshit, huh?"

"I like you though, and I didn't want to hurt your feelings, Jordan. But it's over. It was over for me a long time ago."

"Why are you even here?" I asked, coming to Jordan's side. I knew he was heartbroken. He reminded me of myself with my first breakup with Jake.

"I'll leave then," she said.

"Please do," Tiffany told her. LaTasha made her exit.

"I'll go make sure she's gone," Tiffany said again and left Jordan and I alone.


The tears slipped out his eyes and ran down his face. I handed him a tissue but he appeared to have zoned out.

I took the liberty into wiping his tears away.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I know what it's like to be and feel heartbroken but you have to realize this isn't your fault or your loss. It's hers. She doesn't deserve you and you definitely deserve someone better than her."

He sighed and sat down. "Thanks. I appreciate your kind words."

"I'm being honest here."

"You think you know someone. Give them your heart and they turn around and shit on it."

"You'll love again, Jordan."

"Yeah. I know I will," he answered. He looked at me and it felt like he was capturing my soul with his gazing. A silence hung in the air between us but electricity was crackling throughout my body.

I knew that feeling all too well.

Damn it.

I was falling for him?

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