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TIANA BRANCH 📍Milwaukee5:00pm

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" tiana come on you gotta move " my older sister tiara

" I'm trying " I said quietly

I took a deep breath In standing up. It's been 4 years since I got shot and my mother dying. I was paralyzed from my neck down for 3 years, once I

got out the hospital. I had to relearn to do the basic things like walking and moving around. I have no other family besides my mother and

sister. See tiara is older then me and mainly stayed with her father a lot. I was 17 turning 18 in three month and tiara was 19 going on 20 next

month. My sister stayed with me and helped me through my recovery. She stays in New York by herself in her own little apartment in the Bronx.

She use to tell me the crazy stories about her and her friends in the Bronx. What I learned from them stories was a lot. I know she got a two best

friends back in New York named ivy and Chanel. They seem pretty cool. She hasn't told me much about to boys but I've heard a few stories and

know a couple names. Never seen any faces so I couldn't tell you what they look like just what their names are. Which I'm my opinion seems

creepy and weird but my sister was a very joyful and happy person. She loved telling stories and memories. That's exactly why she wanted to

become a teacher but life has other plans for her. I gained my feelings in my body last year. Walking was sorta a huge struggle I had these

last couple of months. I've been going to the gym trying to get my strength back and stamina but I've been struggling. I've went through physical

therapy and stuff for it but it only worked to a point. I can walk just not for long, I can't Carry anything to heavy and I can't lift anything heavy.

Basically I'm not capable of doing a lot right now. My therapy session have came to an end meaning I had no purpose here in Milwaukee. So tiara was

bringing me to live with her in New York. I'm semi excited. I'm just happy to leave the exhausting tiring place. All the bad memories I

get here is bad and I hate the feeling. I can't even think about my mom or that situation or I'll past out. It was really bad the first couple years after

but I'm on medication for it and I can kinda cope with it. I usually stay to myself and I'm my room alone. I recently starting smoking a lot. Just to

ease the pain for a couple hours and I sleep really good. I mainly just sit in my room, eat sleep and smoke and shower. That's all I really feel like I

can do. Tiara shipped all my things to her apartment and got her friends to unpack and set my room up for me. I can't wait to just sit and

sleep. We were getting in her car to drive all the way to New York from Milwaukee. Long drive but I'll probably smoke and pass right out the whole

drive. I limped my way to the door feeling myself become out of breath. See this is what I mean. I haven't even been walking it up for 5 minutes

and I already am out of breath. I honestly don't know if smoking gone make it worse or better but it helps so much right now. I picked my purse up

from off the table by the front door and walked outside. I quickly grabbed onto the railing inhaling a deep shark breath feeling my lung go

small and throat start to Swell a little bit.

" t...t...ti..tiara inhaler" I said running short on air

" here baby calm down " she said sticking it in my mouth pressing down on the top

I instantly felt my lungs relax and my throat go back to normal. I could breath again but it's only a matter of time before I have another episode

before we even make it to the car. I took my inhaler from her and walked down the stairs slowly. I had to make sure I wouldn't stumble

over my own feet and fall downstairs. I made it down talkin a quick breath from my inhaler. I opened the backseat door. I went and sat down

seeing my pillow and blanket already in there. I smiled seeing my mini bag of weed supplies. It had all my items I needed. I saw a bag of snacks

and drinks in the ground beside my weed backpack. I got in laying down on the seats. I see she turned the seat warmers on cuz it was warm

and cozy back here. I sat up lifting my legs up on the seat straightening them out. I grabbed the black plastic bag from off the ground grabbing

the brisk ice tea. I untwisted off the cap lifting the plastic bottle to my lips tilting my head back taking a sip. The bullet went straight through my

chest and went through my moms heart killing her instantly on the spot. It struck a nerve in my body causing me to lose feeling in my body for 3

years. Finally gaining it back was surprising to everyone. The doctors thought it was a 5% chance I'll ever walk again. My goal this year is to be able

to walk and fully function around my birthday. I actually wanna be able to do something and go out instead of staying inside eating. I placed the

bag back down and grabbing my mini backpack taking my Tray out and backwoods. I grabbed a clear plastic ziplock baggie filled with weed. I

took a couple buds out placing them in my grinder. It was an electric one that needed to be charged over night which it stays on the charger

all day everyday. Once I finished breaking down the backwood and cleaned it out. I placed the weed inside rolling the backwood. Once I was

finished. I grabbed my lighter and air pods. I connected them to my phone and played my smoking playlist. Tiara soon finished bringing to

couple of bags I've had from my room. She put them in the trunk then went to lock the place up. We had to drop the key off to the landlord. I lit

the blunt and tiara pulled off. I inhaled the
smoke feeling it burn going down my throat and into my chest and lungs. I felt calmed down and

tired. The exact feeling I wanted.

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