Best Friends Brother| LiAngelo Ball

Start from the beginning

I know we have money but damn this place is really nice just to be grabbing dinner.

"Umm Zo, why are we here, we could just hit like shake shack or something"

"Ohhh, yeah I forgot to tell you, we're meeting my peoples up here, my mom, my dad, and my brothers."

"Your brothers, like the one that was on the phone?"

"Yeah, y'all can get to know each other, before he gets on campus"

Zo was speaking casually, but inside he was cracking up, he couldn't believe how flustered Gelo had this girl, he'd never seen her even a little bit shy, or nervous.

They enter the restaurant and head over to the table, Zo greets his family, kissing his mother on the cheek, and dapping up his brothers and his father, before taking the seat next to Melo, which purposely left the seat next to Gelo open. I felt like there was an entire zoo in my stomach as I made my way over to my seat.

"Aye, y'all this y/n, y/n that's Melo, and I'm sure you remember Gelo" he says a smirk playing on his lips, as my face heats in embarrassment, I thought he was suspicious before, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he knows. But I'm still going to fight for my life and deny it.

"y/n! What's up girl! How you been?" Lavar asks in his booming voice, and I was happy for the distraction.

"I've been good, your son has been driving me crazy as usual, but I'm good." I reply, turning my attention to Zo's parents. I had met them a few times before, when they'd come up to campus to check on Zo.

"How about you Mrs. Tina, how Have you been?"

"Getting better, everyday" she spoke, and I was so happy to see her progress. Zo told me she had a stroke a while back and was in the process of relearning and rehabbing, but every time I saw her she was getting better and better. Such a strong woman.

Dinner went by pretty well, I was able to keep myself distracted for the most part, trying my hardest to avoid stealing glances at Gelo, though of course I got a few in. He had his hair down in braids and his hazel eyes were hypnotizing. I had a hard time tearing myself away, and his smile was something else. But all in all, I didn't get caught so that was the good thing. As we gathered our things to leave, I see Lonzo again hug his mother and dap up his father. I look at the scene displayed before me and my heart is hammering in my chest, he's definitely not coming with us right? But my suspicions are confirmed as he and his two brothers part ways from their parents and head my way.

"Aye, you don't mind if they come and play the game with me for a bit do you?"

Do I mind!? Hell yeah I mind if you bring your fine brother to my house.

"Uhh..uh no, nope, not at all" I smile sheepishly at the group in front of me and we head out to the car.

Good thing they'll be in the back, as long as I just keep my head for-

"Shotgun" I hear Melo scream from behind me as he runs over to the car.

"What!? No, I was here first" I yell running over to the car trying to beat him there. Of course I don't and he's already inside with the doors locked when I get there.

"Zo, get your brother, c'mon"

"Nah buddy, you know the rules he said shotgun and beat you there, hop your ass in the back with Gelo."

"Yeah you mine as well not even fight it" Gelo says, opening the car door for me,

I hop inside and he shuts the door. I squeeze myself as close to the door as possible, trying to make myself disappear. Everyone hops in and Melo starts blasting his music and we're headed back to campus.

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