"She's been there for me after some horrible things, same way you've done the same for her," Charlotte said.

"Same way she's done the same for me," Mallie said.

"Yeah," Charlotte said. "You've had a shitty life," she said bluntly.

Mallie laughed, looking down at Myles. He had closed his eyes, but he was still trying to blink them open every few seconds. Mallie kissed his forehead softly, continuing to pat his back as they walked.

"Yeah. Shitty doesn't cut it," Mallie said.

"No, I don't suppose it does," Charlotte chuckled. "My life has been shitty. So has Amelia's. And, well, if Amelia trusts you, I do, too. And I've been watching you, these past few days, trying to figure out why you were the one to make Amelia smile the way she is," Charlotte said.

"You figure it out?" Mallie asked curiously.

"Yeah. You love her with no expectations. You love her because she is who she is and for her flaws, not despite them. And she loves you the same way. You make her really happy. So, welcome to the family, officially," Charlotte said.

Mallie grinned at Charlotte, who grinned back.

"Nice to be a part of it," she said.

Myles curled more into Mallie's chest and she looked down, seeing he was fast asleep, now. Mallie smiled and kissed his cheek, brushing a thumb over his eyebrows.

"You're so cute," she whispered.

"They are cute kids. Good genetics," Charlotte said.

"Like you can talk. Your kids are adorable. Rachel's dimples, and Caroline's pigtails, and Georgia's little smile. And Mason, he's so sweet when he's laughing with the kids," Mallie said.

"They are cute, aren't they? Adorable. Sometimes I can't help but marvel over the fact that they're my kids," Charlotte said.

"I do that with the twins all the time. Amelia used to say I was such a clingy mom, but she's even worse than I am," Mallie laughed.

"She really does love them," Charlotte said.

"We all really love her. A lot," Mallie said.

Charlotte smiled, stopping when they reached a shop.

"I'll grab us all drinks. You don't drink fizzy drinks, do you?" Charlotte said.

"No, Maya wouldn't let us have any when she was captain and the habit stuck. Just water, please," Mallie said.

"Amelia mentioned you were very into healthy and fitness things," Charlotte mumbled.

"Like water?" Mallie laughed.

"Exactly," Charlotte grinned, heading into the store.

Two days later, Mallie, Amelia and the twins landed in Cuenca, Spain.

Last time they had been here, it had been to say goodbye to Bella and bury her. They'd been picked up by Mallie's family's driver and were welcomed by Mallie's family's butler when they'd reached the castle. Now, because Felix was in an assisted care facility, Mallie had seen no real reason to keep the staff on at the castle because it was going to be empty.

So, she had paid every single member of staff well enough and had arranged for them to start new jobs if they didn't want to retire. That meant nobody was here this time except the rental car Mallie had hired.

She got their luggage in and strapped the twins into the carseats she'd hired with them, double checking they were safely installed and functional before she started driving them towards the castle first for them to drop their luggage off and get a rest before they went to visit Felix.

Playing with fire (Amelia Shepherd) ABANDONEDWhere stories live. Discover now