Its not fair how beautiful he is. He is not perfect or ideal in anyway so why do I have these thoughts about him?

Whatever i shouldn't be thinking of this right now i should just get back to work.

As this thought crossed my head i reopened the office door to see dazai reading my notebook of ideals.


3rd person pov

Kunkida ran over to dazai and snatched the note book from his hand cheaking which page he was on to see he was reading his ideal breakfast.  With a sigh kunikida put the notebook back in his pocket then turned to glare at dazai who smirked at kunikida.

"Oops was that yours. Sorry didnt mean to read it it just loooked interesting". He had a teesing tone while saying this but kunikida was byond angry. What if dazai were to find his most valuble secret. What would he do then.

"DONT EVER TOUCH THIS NOTE BOOK AGIEN DAZAI" he screamed making the bandaged man jump in his seat. Dazai was just trying to tease he didnt mean to make kunikida this mad.

"Wait i didnt really see any-". "IT DOSNT MATTER DONT TOUCH IT". Kunikida walked over to his desk leaving a gilty dazai sitting in silence.

He really didnt mean to make kunikida mad he just wanted to poke a little bit of fun at him.

After a few minites the other agency memebers arived but were shocked to see a silent working dazai and a pissed off kunikida but no one commented. 

After a few hours of working kunikida atsushi and dazai all got called out on a job at the port to investigate some rummers saying that there was an illegal exchange happing.

The ride over was uncomfortablely quiet. Kunikida wasnt mad anymore but Dazai still thought he was while Atsushi was just confused. 

They got to the warehouse were the exchange was happing to be met with a group of people all armed. None of them had abilitys so Dazai wasnt of much use while Atsushi transformed.

"KUNIKIDA-KUN MAKE A GUN FOR ME" Dazai yelled over the gunfire. Kunikida pulled out his notebook only for it to be knocked out of his hand twored Dazai.

"ATSUHI GET MY NOTE BOOK" Kunikida yelled. "IVE GOT IT" Dazai said reaching for it.

What if he sees

What if he sees

What if he sees


Kunikida tackled Dazai and grabed his notebook while geting shot in the leg.

Dazai grabed Kunikida and pulled him to a conner while Atsushi turned back human after taking out most of the people and ran over.

"Kunikida-kun are you ok" he said seeing the older male bleeding. "Im ok Atsushi. But what about the other dealers".

Sudenly there was a loud smash and more gun fire.

"Im going to cheack it out" Dazai said grabing kunikidas gun and sneaking behind a crate out if sight from everyone.

He peeked out from behind the crate and saw there were more dealers but there was also another group there.

The port mafia


Dazai smiled when he saw his perfect lover leading a group of subordinates to fight the dealers. Yet frowned when one dealer got to close so he shot him.

Chuuya noticed the dealer behind him fall with a gunshot through his head and looked at were the shot came from only to see his own lover was here.

He smirked and gave an order to his men while he ran off to a corner were there were a few dealers sniping closer to were Dazai was.

Dazai sliped out of his hiding spot toward were the snipers were and he and Chuuya both killed them.

"Didnt think id see you here dear" Dazai said smiling at Chuuya who rolled his eyes with a smile. "Same goes to you".

"Id love to stay and chat but one of my own is hurt and i could use an opening to get him out" Dazai said and Chuuya sighed.

He pressed a quick kiss to his tall lovers lips then snuck back into the crowd and tryed to pull more dealers away from the exits.

Dazai snuck back over to Kunikida and he and Atsushi lifted him up from his arms and helped him out of the warehouse leaving the dealers and port mafia behind.

Once they got back to the agency Atsushi started filling out reports on what they saw while Dazai brought Kunikida to Yasano to fix his leg.

"You know this never would have happened if you weren't so protective over that stupid notebook" Dazai pointed out. "Its not a stupid notebook. Its my book of idles. Yet you are right i should have let you get it since it was closer to you".

After that Yasano shooed Dazai out if the room and into the hallway.

"It will be around an hour until you can see him" she said and he nodded.

"Well i should be set for an hour since i just got a new book" Dazai snickered as he pulled out the book of idels.

"Its obvious Kunikida wants to hide something from me so lets see what it is".

I Dont Want Perfect(kunidazai)Where stories live. Discover now