choose your own adventure

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hello muppets happy wednesday!!!!!!! yeeha have a post woo

this is a request fill for angielxx on ao3 who requested cady and regina both telling janis they have feelings for her at the same time (ooh ah drama) and janis has to pick! i was given free reign to pick the end game ship. but unfortunately i couldn't pick so. have. all of them. (the other posts today are the same story, just in the books for the other ships :))

i don't think i need any trigger warnings for this one but please let me know if you find something i missed !!

enjoy :)



"Aah!" Janis yelps. "Fucking hell, Regina, don't do that."

"Sorry. I thought you heard me coming," Regina replies sheepishly, massaging the back of her neck with her hand. "Um... can we talk?"

"This isn't another apology, is it? I've had enough of those for a fucking lifetime."

"Not this time," Regina confirms. Janis nods and looks at her expectantly. "You want to talk here?"

"What's wrong with here?"

"This is kind of personal," Regina mumbles. "There's people here."

"Ugh," Janis sighs. "Come on, then."

Regina yelps as Janis grabs her wrist and hauls her off to the ladies' room. Janis plops her bag on the shelf by the window and kicks every stall door open with her clunky boots to make sure they're completely alone.

"Okay, we have, like, maybe two minutes before Damian comes crashing into here to see what I'm up to, so, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"Um... uh..." Regina stutters. "You know what, never mind, have a good day-"

"Oh, hell no," Janis replies, grabbing the strap of Regina's designer bag and hauling her back into the room. "You said you had something to say, say it. Come on."

"...Ihavefeelingsforyou." Regina spits out hastily, wrapping her arms around herself for protection and refusing to look Janis in the eye.

"You what now?"

"I have feelings for you," Regina repeats quietly, taking a protective step away.


"Yes, romantic ones," Regina mumbles, flushing bright pink and turning away.

"I- wow," Janis chuckles. "Um..."

"Look, I know you don't feel the same, I just... I wanted to tell you, I'm sorry-"

"Whoa! Whoa, Regina," Janis says hastily. "Um... how do... okay, look. I'm not upset you have feelings for me. I've definitely had them for you in the past. And I'm open to something between us. I think. I just... need some time. To process some stuff, you know?"

"I know," Regina whispers with a nod. She sighs heavily, in a desperate attempt to work up the courage to speak again. "You-you'll think about it?"

"I'll think about it," Janis confirms. "This isn't necessarily a no. It's just a... not yet, okay?"

"Okay," Regina nods. The bell rings, echoing through speakers above their heads and making them both jump. "You should get to class."

"You coming?" Janis asks as she grabs her bag and tugs it over one shoulder. She never wears it over both. It's cute, but Regina is worried she'll give herself scoliosis. She has her own back problems to deal with.

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