A New Home

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Yo. Like I said in the first chapter I will try to make another chapter each day. Hope you enjoy chapter 2!


As soon as Bell entered Orario he needed to find a place to sleep before even trying to find a familia. He was walking for about 15 minutes when he finally saw it. Babel Tower. All around him I could see the adventurers, the different races, so much stuff to admire!

Bellfinally found an inn to stay at after 10 minutes of mindless wandering.

"Welcome to the Travelers Inn! How can I help you kid?"

"I would like a room for 1 please"

"Alright, each night you will have to pay 450 valis, so remember after each day come back here to the front desk to pay me"

He threw the the keys at Bell

"Thank you sir"

"Your room is on the 2nd floor"

He made his way up to his room. At first glance the room was not that bad. A bit smaller then the room back at the village but it will have to do for now.

" I only had 5440 valis left on me. That should give me enough time to try and find a familia"

After Bell finished putting away his belongings he headed back outside and down the stairs to try his luck on finding a familia. Before he exited the entrance of the inn he hear someone shout from behind him

"Kid, wait up for a sec!"

Bell turned around to see who is was, it was the inn keeper. He was still in his thoughts he didn't even realize he threw Bell some bread. He almost dropped it but was able to catch it before it fell on the ground.

"Good luck out there kid, don't die"

"Thank you sir"

As Bell finally headed out the door He made his way to The Guild. Bell wanted to see if anybody there had information on any open familias or any familias that were looking for new members. But the thing is he didn't don't know where it is. The map grandpa gave him is a bit outdated. He also said that the entry fee would be a lot cheaper then what it was now. Luckily he was able to find the Guild.

As soon I walked in through the door the first thing you could see are adventurers everywhere. They all ranged from different type of weapon classes, swordsman, mage even just fist brawlers!

"Welcome to The Guild! How may we assist you?"

"I was looking if you had any information on any familia that are by chance looking for more people?"

"I think we do, let me go check at the back"

"Alright thank you"

As I waited I looked around to see the amount of different races. Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Werewolves, Renards. Each race had there own talent in each weapon class. Elves are usually mages or Dwarfs are usually a tank. As I turned back around I could see the front worker coming out from the back.

"I think this should help you"

She handed me the paper

"Thank you, oh I didn't get your name"

"Its Eina, Eina Tulle"

"Nice to meet you Eina, Im Bell Cranel"

"Well good luck out there, Bell Cranel"

Bell finally headed out the door trying to find the first familia home. He was planning to work my way from the bottom of the list to the top.


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