where serendipity blooms

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As the wind rises, the flowers flew along and the birds were singing. The river flowing makes a peaceful sound and the ducks quacking sounded like a soft tune. There were three teenagers carrying their baskets; Sam,  Justin, and Johnny. They've been the best buds ever since and they always pick up flowers from the hacienda of the Hamada's.

    "You think Arthur is awake?" Justin asked and Sam nodded. "He's usually awake around 9am so yeah? John, go ring the doorbell." Sam commanded and Johnny rolled his eyes. "Why is it always me who does most of the jobs and you two spend your time talking and blabbering about nonsensical things?" He scoffed and the two laughed. "Whatever, John, just do it already." Justin chuckled.

Johnny rang the doorbell for two times and finally, the door swung open and revealed a blonde man, not so tall but not so short. He fixed his glasses and walked through the gates and opened it. "Come in, kids." He said and the three followed him. "Were you asleep? Sorry, we thought of coming early because there's an event later." Sam said and Arthur smiled and shook his head. "No, I was reading. Go get the flowers you want, wait, what's the event again?"

    "There's a garden party later at Camelot! I'm sure Prince Travis would be there." Justin squealed and Arthur smirked. "A garden party, huh? White tea roses or any white flowers will do, you can check the back part of my hacienda. Show me the flowers you'll pick before you go home, I'll be at the library." Arthur said and left the three. "Yes, sire!" They shouted in unison, enough for him to hear.

    "Wow, Arthur's hacienda is really something." Sam complimented as he saw how big and beautiful the garden is. "Oh would you look at that! They have gypsophila now, they're so pretty omg. Last time we came, they're not here." John said and took a stem and tucked it behind his ear. "Do I look good?" John asked and the two nodded. "Yes!! They're perfect for your white skin..." Justin then said and turned his attention to the white tea roses and chose the most fresh ones.

A few minutes later, they finished picking the flowers and went to the library inside Arthur's house. They saw him reading a book with a coffee next to him. He glanced at them and closed the book he was reading. "Oh, you chose great flowers. Will you give this to Prince Travis?" Arthur asked and Justin nodded. "Yes! I added some chrysanthemums, I heard Prince Travis likes them, hehe..." Justin blushed and stifled a smile. Arthur then looked at Sam and John's baskets.

    "Very nice, and to whom will you two give those?" Arthur raised a brow and chuckled. "None! I'll display mine, my room needs a decoration at least." Sam replied and he nodded. "I'll give these to my grandma, and will dry some of them for stationary." John said and smelled the flowers. "I see, well then enjoy the party later!" Arthur said and they bid their goodbyes. "Bye bye, Arthur!" The three said and waved their hands and left.

Arthur went out of the library and changed to his formal clothes. He's going to the town to buy some new clothing. He wore a simple polo shirt layered with a denim jumper and a yellow beret hat. He took his wallet along his keys and his tote bag, he locked the door and the gates and went out. He took his sedan and started the engine and drove off.

It didn't take him long to reach the town, he looked for a parking lot near the shop. After parking his sedan, he went off and walked in Ifuku clothing. Looking around, his eyes sparkled as he saw new items of designer clothes. He saw cute and colorful polo shirts so he took a few hangers, some pretty pants and jumpers. He roamed around and stopped by a stall full of accessories. He tried some small hook earrings and looked at himself on the mirror. They look pretty, he thought and got a couple of earrings with the same design. At the next stall. there were fancy necklaces and he reached out for the beaded one. Looks expensive but who cares? I'll get this. He said to himself and took the beaded necklace. 

After a while, he paid through the counter and thanked the cashier. He didn't want to go home so he decided to roam around the city. His sedan opened its roof and the fresh air brushed on his face as he was driving. A melancholy music was playing on his car speaker, prolly a ghibli tune. The beautiful flowers filled his sight, literally every place in La Fleur has a bunch of flowers. They were filled of fields with Irises, lilacs, dahlias and other flowers. They were blooming so beautiful, but there were flaws. 

     "These poor flowers sitting on a field, seeking for sun and rain at the same time. And if they get tired of sitting, they just give up and be dry. When they're out of sunlight and rain, they die. Just like human-beings, when we're tired, we become dry. Having no will to live, like there's no sunshine. But then we just need a drop of rain and we'll be able to freshen up and survive this cruel world." He said, he's quite poetic when he's in deep thoughts. He sighed and stopped by a garden full of Irises. He saw a figure of a tall man with brown hair, wearing a denim jacket and pants. He walked through his direction and stopped beside him. 

    "If you're from Paradisiaque, please leave me alone, I'll be back after the part-" The said man stopped talking as he looked back to see Arthur and realized that he's not from the other world. "Para what?" Arthur asked, confused and curious. "Pardon, I thought you were from my world..."  The guy said and it made him even more confused. "Your world? So you don't live in La Fleur?" Arthur asked and the guy nodded, kind of hesitant. They say on the field next to the irises and watched the butterflies fly along the wind.

     "You see... I'm from a different world, Paradisiaque is my place. I came to La Fleur because I'm looking for someone... I met him at the bridge of Lyonesse. He was still a young kid back then, I was 20 while he's around 16. We used to meet by the ends of the bridge but never tried to cross it. Then he stopped showing up, I don't know, it's like a failed love story. I remember he once told me, "Jaden, come to my place and let's live happily." That made me want to cross the bridge, and now I did..." The guy named Jaden suddenly said and Arthur listened. "How did you come here?" 

      "Shape-shifting, I became a butterfly and flew here. Believe me or not, the royal blood of Paradisiaque has special powers."  Jaden said and Arthur nodded. "So you are a royal?" He asked, "Hmm, allow me to introduce myself. Jaden Kanemoto, the duke of  Esquivel." Jaden introduced himself and stood up to bow. "Arthur Hamada, the owner of the biggest hacienda here in La Fleur." He stood up and did the same thing.

     "The party is near, I should get going. Thank you for your company, Arthur." Jaden said. "I hope you'll find him and live happily together. I'll look for that bridge! Maybe I'll find the man of my dreams there, kidding..." Arthur said and they chuckled. They both left the place and waved at each other. Arthur drove his sedan and smiled, "Lyonesse, please wait for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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