Part 3 : New faces

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Upon returning (Y/n) saw Izana shaking hands with the Haitani's before they left

"So what did they want?" Asked the male while looking at Izana

"To help with our plan , you know extend Tenjiku and rule over Tokyo?" The albino said while staring at the (h/c)nette

When (Y/n) realized, a wide grin was plastered over his face
"SO THEY JOINED US?" The male unintentionally yelled. He covered his face and shook his head to calm down

Izana looked at the male seeing his excited face made him smile softly before he pat the youngers male head "yea the are quite the stars in
Roppongi so they're help is welcomed"

Kakucho appeared from behind the two males with a piece of paper in his hands

"Hey Izana , someone dropped by a few minutes ago and told me to give you this" he showed the piece of paper to his leader

"We were in the back , why didn't that person come here?" The albino said while getting a bit suspicious

"Uhm.." the two color eyed boy muttered while looking at his brother " I dont know I didn't ask"

Both males clearly seeing through his lies

"You're a bad liar" said (Y/n) while looking at his brother

Kakucho could only look away shamefully for lying to his brother and his leader. "Sorry but he asked me not to tell you" he looked down at his feet

'Why would kakucho lie for a stranger......right he wouldn't it's probably someone we know' (Y/n) though while staring at his younger brother

"What does that piece of paper say?" (Y/n) tried changing the subject while looking at the albino

Izana sighed not wanting to press the subject into Kakucho , since he doesn't wanna say it he won't force him

Opening the piece of paper he got from the younger brother he saw what it was written inside

Izana read it silently before handing it to (Y/n) ,
the (h/c)nette male seeing the white haired male frowing

(Y/n) looked at the paper and read it out loud for his brother to hear it as well

"Izana, I'm sorry I really want to get back on good terms with you, your sister Emma says she misses you . Manjiro would love to meet you in person, he knows you don't like him and yet he wants to meet up with you, if you want the please come Sunday at the [insert name] park we will be waiting. Shinichiro" (Y/n) hummed at the end seeing that the albino's 'brother' wants to meet up with him

Kakucho stared at the albino before he spoke up
"Are you gonna meet up with them?"

Izana turned around to look at the the younger boy "of course not , I don't need them why would I try and get along with them especially Manjiro"

(Y/n) was staring at nothing while thinking zoning out , before he heard his name being called out multiple times

"-n)nii-san" kakucho was heavily calling out his brother's name with a worried look

"Ah yes?" The boy finally spoke up looking at his brother

"Jee talk about being weird , zoning out like that, what were you thinking about?" The younger brother asked while sitting down on the couch the boys bought , well bought it's much said they stole it from a shop not too long ago

Never had meet (Izana Kurokawa x Male!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz