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"Ver is he!" "It's winter we need SNOW" "oh Jack.."
Pitch was listening to all of this secretly. He chuckled with excitement "oh I know where he is.."
Pitch said not loud but loud enough for them to hear. The guardians all looked to where they hard a voice. Pitch..TELL US VER JACK IS NOW. How about...no~ pitch said getting amused. Hey don't worry I didn't force him or anything he said well partly~ Plus jack loves it with me don't you know what he thinks of you guys pitch began to laugh he doesn't even wanna be a guardian anymore! All the guardians looked at each other with suprises or sad looks on there faces or both. Sandy started making symbols above his head telling pitch he was lying. Pitch decided to then call jack using his black sand or some shit after a few seconds they saw jack coming they all opened there arms ready for jack to come. As soon as Jack got close he hugged pitch and buried his head in pitches chest.
                                See? I wasn't lying that's sooooo unlike me~ I can't belive you guys think I would lie~ pitch
Said playfully trying to annoy the guardians and it was working. JACK GET OVER HERE NOW! Jack please! *sand sounds* COME ON SNOWFLAKE! Jack looked at them tearing up. I don't wanna be a guardian. He hugged pitch tighter then before and started crying. I-It's not fun.. And you guys a-always yell at me! *sniff* you seemed *hic* so nice before but..all you do is yell at me!! When jack said me his voice got higher and he started crying harder and louder then before. Pitch hugged jack and looked at the guardians "I'm supposed to be te bad one here but it seems like you people are worse.." pitch said before taking him and jack back to pitches  home pitch had jack wrap his legs around him and he began hugging jack making him feel better.
                                       P-pitch...Jack said in a low voice trying to stop crying. Yes snowflake?
                                  "You won't leave me right?"
                                         " Of course I won't I promise jack"
                                                      "I.....I love you pitch.."
           He looked at jack and kissed him on the cheek and put a blanket over him "I love you too" and with that jack fell asleep and pitch turned on a movie to watch while jack slept.

(Hii guys sorry I didn't upload for a longgggg time I've been
Having writers black TnT I'll try and post faster for the next chapter
Tell me if u find any GRAMMER mistakes while reading!)

Jack Frost x Pitch BlackWhere stories live. Discover now