𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚞𝚙 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎?!

Depuis le début

Riku sat straight up. "Y-YOU HEARD THAT?!?" He yelled. "Yeah, you were basically talking instead of mumbling." You pointed out before taking a bit out of your food. Riku sigehd and put his head down on the table dramatically. "She'll never like me back though, I'm not good enough," Riku rambled, "she probably like Kizano-kun anyways, she's always talking about how she admires him."

You felt bad for him. Having a girl that you like talk about another guy in front of you is a total bummer. You patted Riku's shoulder. "Hey, maybe she'll turn around and obsess about you!" You tried to cheer him up. "I don't know, compared to Kizano-kun I have no chance." Riku said picking up his bento box and walking away.

You sighed. There must be some way for them to get together. You'll have to ask Kokona about her interests in guys. That's kind of a awkward thing to ask but its a worth as shot!


During a free time you asked Kokona about her type. "Oh I don't know, he definitely has to have purple hair." She answered flicker her wrist at you, "maybe glasses and slicked back hair? I don't know.." You nodded and took notes.

Purple hair.
Slicked back hair.

"Why are you asking anyways?" Kokond asked. "Well someone came up to me noticing I was close to you and asked if you had a type!" You quickly made up a lie. "Aw man, now I'll have to deny them!" She groaned. "Wh-what..?" You blanked.

"Don't tell him but, I kind of have a tiny itsy bitsy crush on Riku.." She said twiddling with her fingers. "So they both have crushes on each other without noticing?!" You thought to yourself. "Al-alright, I'll tell that guy that you have different interests then." You assured the girl. "Thank you so much (Y/n)!" She squealed giving you a big hug.


It was now the end of the school day and you were just stating at your shoes locker. The outdoor shoes mocking you. Reminding you that you'd have to go to Sunobu's house in a bit. You looked to the side and seeing the boy already standing by the gates. Was he already practicing? You hoped that he didn't do that all the way to his house.

You sighed and put your shoes on. The quicker the better. You joined Sunobu by the gates and told him that you were ready to go. "Good my dear, I was just about to go back into the school and drag you out here myself!" Sunobu joked. Though it didn't sound like a joke.

While walking to Sunobu's house she wouldn't stop talking about the upcoming play on Friday. Was it already so close? "Good thing you joined just in time when you did, we would've had a uneven about of cast and had to choose another play," Sunobu pointed out, "I really do enjoy the play we'll be putting a show on."

Once you arrived he invited you in. Sunobu's house was big. There were three floors in total. How does his parents afford all of this?! "Please leave your shoes at the door, if you need some there are slippers don't he rack beside you." Sunobu informed you walking to a room right next to the entrance.

You grabbed a pair of (f/c) slippers and shuffled in them. Perfect size. "Alright darling, let's go to my room!" Sunobu announced taking your hand and leading you up the tall stairs. While on the way to his room you noticed multiple doors. "Don't worry, if you ever find yourself lost and can't find my room it'll be easy." He said stopping in front of his door.

His door was decorated like a 12 years old girls door. Purple and pink hearts on it. Some pictures of him and few others from the drama club. Even cut out pictures of himself from what you're guessing magazines. "Yeah." You mumbled as him pushed you inside.


Inside Sunobu's room it was really purple. Purple curtains, purple bead spread, purple painted walls, almost purple everything. Sunobu pushed you down on his bed and walked into his walk-in closet. You got yourself comfortable on his bed. It felt like it was made of the finest bird feathers and clouds. You just wanted to melt into the bed itself.

"Alright I got my script, since I know the script a bit more than you do you can borrow it for now." Sunobu told you hand the script with a smile. You thanked him and looked over the script.

Then you two spent two full hours reciting the script. You can say you sound a lot less of a robot and more of the character you had to portray. But then you two slipped on a silk blanket that Sunobu had misplaced on the floor.

With a bump you two fell onto the ground. You more on the ground and Sunobu on you. Sunobu's arms prevented him from falling completely on you and his right leg was placed between both of yours. Your face flushed as you saw Sunobu breathe. His chest moved up and down before looking at you.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" He asked slipping out your name. You hesitantly nodded your head yes. "Should-Shouldn't we get up now?" You questioned looking away. You lifted your hand to cover your blazing face. But instead of feeling Sunobu standing up you felt him lay on you.

"Let's just stay like this, I'm kinda tired from reciting I know you are too." He said wrapping his arms around your neck. What happened to his royalty talk? Did a switch flip inside him?

You two laid like that on the floor for the rest of the night. Eventually falling asleep too. Once you two woke up in the morning your back started to hurt and Sunobu couldn't look at you properly.

"Kizano, you can call me Kizano."


???'s pov


𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜 (HIATUS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant