[Alternate Ending] Chapter 5 - The New Moon Creates a New Beginning

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He didn't need to think long for his answer. There was a price he had to pay for his mistake. By giving up his own life, she could live.

The rain beat against the walls of the cabin, bearing down harder by the hour. Even the sky was crying over his fate. He stared aimlessly into the raging fireplace, dangling a piece of firewood by the tip between his fingers. A sharp piece of wood. A vampire's invitation to death.

He deserved death. She didn't.

"I'm sorry, Piya. My love for you ended up becoming the reason for your demise."

He now knew why she always avoided the question. Always looked away, or diverted his attention towards something else. She never wanted him to feel the guilt. But all that effort of hers went down the drain. He now held that cursed knowledge. All this time, the universe was pulling the strings in the background.

Not knowing how to face her, for each night till the new moon, he avoided his cabin around the usual time of her arrival. Avoiding her as she looked for him. If she had the slightest idea of what he was going to do, or if he stood face to face with her again, he wouldn't have the strength to do it. And now the fateful night had arrived, no moon to cast its light between the canopy of trees. Soon he would see this darkness himself. Forever. 

Haseena, Chand, and the elders walked to the outer barrier together. Abhay was to be freed tonight at the hour, but he was nowhere to be found. They stopped near Piya's grave, and saw the trail of red spider lilies.

"The flower of death." An elder said, kneeling to examine the flower at the start of the trail. "Recently bloomed."

"Is Piya's spirit...." Haseena asked halfway, seeing a similar one blossoming upon her grave. Chand looked at her and nodded.

"She must be wandering. Then Abhay...." Chand looked up towards the barrier, with no sight of their son. He had written in the letter for him to meet them here. Perhaps he was gathering his things, all those books Haseena sent with the letters. "We should go to the cabin. Perhaps he's there."

Haseena nodded, and the elders followed their lead. The sound of frantic chimes came rushing towards them halfway down the path. Everyone stood on guard, already unsettled by the flowers. But it was nothing that could harm them, just a girl looking for the man she loved. And how could that girl not recognize the Raichands?

"Piya!" Haseena called out, eyes wide. Without hesitation, Piya ran into them, pointing towards Abhay's cabin. She looked worried, and tried to hurry them down the flower path. She couldn't get past the trees that surrounded the cabin, for some reason. And this was her last night to see him. She wanted to say goodbye, properly.

"She wants us to follow the path. We must hurry."

The path became dark, so dark that the only light came from the ominous glow of the flowers. Even the vampires couldn't see. But Piya could, and she tried to run as fast as her feet could carry, leaving the rest behind. She could feel herself fading into nothingness, as the call from above began to strengthen.

Don't take me yet. I want to see him. Just one last time.

His cabin was in sight, but an ugly darkness began to surround it. A barrier threw her back, and caged her in front and back. Before her eyes, Abhay stood quietly in the center. He looked up, knowing she was there, surrounded by a spectre sent to fulfil the exchange. Seeing the worry in her eyes, his heart began to waver.

He hated that. He needed to keep his resolve.

For her. Do it for her.

"Stop caring for this monster, Piya. Forget me."

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