Chap 2: Chase Leaving His Home and His Parents To Go Fight In The War Part: 2!

Comenzar desde el principio

Chase: Thanks Jacob.

Jacob: No problem, Chase.

Just a minute later both of Jacob's parents arrived in a Land Rover.

Jacob and Ava's parents: Hi Jacob and Ava.

Jacob: Ava, let me do the talking ok?

Ava: Ok.

Jacob and Ava: Hi mom and dad.

Jacob: Mom, can I ask you a something?

Ava and Jacob's Mom: Sure.

Jacob: So, Chase and Bella's parents are super busy, so can they come over to our house for the night?

Jacob's Mom: What do you think Mark (Jacob's dad)?

Mark: Sure.

Jacob: Thanks guys, but we have a 5 sitter in our SUV.

Mark: Not a problem Son. Our SUV can turn into an 8 sitter.

Jacob: Ok. Chase and Bella your set to get on. You 2 seat in the front and we'll seat in the back.

Mark: Your all set to hop in.

As the 4 of them hoped in the vehicle, Chase and Bella said thank you to them.

Chase and Bella: Thank you Mark and Sarah (Jacob and Ava's mom)

Jacob's parents: No problem, guys.

It takes 40 minutes to arrive to their home.

Sarah: BTW Chase who picking you 2 up?

Chase: My dad Paul. He'll pick us up later tonight.

Sarah: Ok.

Mark: You 4 can go inside, me and Sarah will carry your bags inside and leave them near the front entrance.

Chase, Bella, Ava, Jacob: Thank you.

Mark: No problem.

Chase: Hey Jacob, can we play basketball for a bit?

Jacob: Sure, we can! Only until 5:30, and its 4:30, so it's one hour.

Chase: Ok. You girls can go inside and have fun. Btw, Bella, we are eating dinner here then, we will go home.

Bella Ok.

The girls go inside to Ava's room to play with her stuff while the boys played outside for an hour. While the boys played outside, that time went by so fast that it was already 1 hour while it felt like 30 minutes. Later they went inside and went upstairs, while passing Ava's bedroom.

Chase: Hey Jacob, want to see what the girls are doing?

Jacob: Sure. Let's go.

They start walking back to Ava's room.

Chase: Hey girls. How is it going?

Girls: Hi guys, we are doing ok.

Ava: Bella was sometimes feeling sad, but I cheered up when that happened.

Bella: Thanks for that.

Ava: No problem.

Jacob: Oh no, why were you sad Bella.

*Chase knew why and whispered to Jacob.*

Chase (whispered to Jacob): It's because of me. I am leaving soon to the military.

Jacob (whispered to Chase): Oh right.

Jacob Ok, anyways want to go back Chase?

Chase: Actually, I was thinking to stay here for Bella. Also, I see that Ava has a TV in her bedroom so we can watch a movie.

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