~ what really is the shadow that follows us ~

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I have walked through decades of history. I have watched as empires rise and monarchs are crowned as well as the fall of nations and the triumphs of evil men. I have glimpsed into the moments that have shaped the modern world, whether they be small or life changing.

Contrary to belief however I am not the only one to travel to a time I don't belong, I am one of a dwindling species in need of salvation, a way to survive. My name is Catriona de Brus and I am one of the last remaining weavers on earth.

To be a weaver is to be able to bend magic to my will, to create spells that will one day save others or even just myself. I am an anomaly in this modern society even within my own kind, witches.

So I prefer solitude however bleak and miserable that may sound. But I have made friends that span the centuries, people who when I need them I know will find me. So with my freedom and sense of adventure I have not needed the company of others until...

... I met them.

My family. Not by blood mind you but they are as close as I will ever find, and so this is my view. My side, who I was in the great chain of reform and change.

My story starts here.

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