Second Year Begins

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The 1st of September had arrived and with it the return to Hogwarts had come. The staff were at the castle going over last-minute details knowing that the future of the universe literally rested upon Yzma's shoulders. Needless to say, darkness had taken complete control over all of Scotland and was spreading across the British Isles as the once pristine grounds were now a burned-out husk. At this time Yzma and Duncan were at Hogsmeade Station waiting for the Hogwarts Express to pull in.

"It sucks doesn't it Yzma. All this senseless destruction and devastation, all this negative energy and death all caused by a bunch of spoiled rich punks who think they can use their money and connections to do whatever they want and get away with it," Duncan said solemnly before growling, "And the moment anyone stand up to them or tries to discipline those punks they run like cowards to the biggest and most fearsome warlord they know and let them crush their problems into dust while eliminating those who dared to cross them."

"That's basically a good summary of all that has happened up to this point," Yzma said, "Now the question is do you have the strength to stand up to anything and everything Kai Malfoy throws at you or everyone close to you?"

"Did you forget who I am and who my dad is?" Duncan smirked as the day wore on the two watched as locomotives from Sodor picked up and dropped off passengers and supplies via the station, "We're invincible so Kai is going down and so are the boot lickers that follow him once you win your challenge Yzma."

Yzma was wondering how Duncan could be so carefree given what he was facing even as the two were checking the grounds around Hogwarts for any survivors of the attack and burning of the forest before heading back to the station. Yzma knew that she had to focus as much as she wanted to comment and ask and one of the tasks was preparing for these years sorting ceremony of students.

Sure, enough the Hogwarts Express pulled in and Yzma left to return to the castle while Duncan oversaw the students getting off the Hogwarts Express. He could see that most of the students were looking terrified while some were guarded. The Arkeyan students were current glaring at most of the students in Slytherin house with their fury being directed towards one group of students in particular. Draco Malfoy and his cronies were looking like they had a relaxing trip considering that with Kai Malfoy and his wife Fumi in the British Isles Hogwarts would either bow down to the blood purists or they would share Hagrid's fate.

"Problems already?" a voice asked as Duncan was doing his job and to his job and to his surprise he found his foster brother Kenny Rodgers with Yuzu and Pele by his side, "Yuzu was on the train while I flew on ahead riding on Pele's back. Turns out we had a word with Harry and his friends not to mention the Dragon Racing captains as we were getting off at the platform and we learned a lot."

"Turns out Malfoy is getting worse than ever and he's been insulting the muggleborns by saying Kai is gonna crush them and the Arkeyan bylaws make anyone who dares to challenge him pay brutally like that fat oaf and that filthy squib," Yuzu said, "Malfoy's words not mine. He even said that his cousin Armand Malfoy is among the transfer students so if any death eater spawn or blood purists have a problem they go to him or straight to his cousin Armand's father Kai. Basically, the staff are going to have their hands full and with the wards completely destroyed we're in for it big time."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm here now," Duncan spoke, "Nothing Kai has in his army will defeat me. This is why Yzma brought me in, to put the bigots in their place and to protect the Muggleborn and muggle raised from those who despise them once and for all."

Kenny, Yuzu, and Pele agreed as the prefects did their duties of making sure the second years and above along with the transfer students got to the carriages that were pulled by green draconium bull class dragons while Duncan guided the first years to the boats that would take them to the school for the first time.

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