The older man had seen you make your way into the small dingy bar after you had tried to investigate by speaking to every person you could find in the streets at that time. It was a dangerous thing, a small young woman in obvious distress openly seeking out every criminal looking man, looking for answers. A disaster waiting to happen in due time.

Although a gangster himself, Doyun sensed the unique pattern of a parent lost abruptly, his own had passed in an unlucky car accident many years ago. That fact helped you build some form of trust in your distressed state, over time finding a remnant of a father figure in him.

The face that greeted you as you stepped into the equally dimly lit apartment from the back entrance had gained a few pounds and lost some of its youthfulness - a sharp pang of guilt roused your otherwise mostly cold emotions.

"I'm sorry for not visiting more often, uncle." When you bowed in respect he let out a soft 'tsk' at your action, he'd never seen you so formal before, the unruly teen had grown into a young woman. But he could still make out the defiant glint in your eyes when they finally met his after you had straightened.

"You should visit more, yes. It's dangerous though - so what brings you that's worth the risk?" The smirk that took over his mouth was so familiar you had to push back the memories flooding your mind. After you had dropped the small plastic bag containing some snacks and soju into Doyun's lap, you leant against the desk he was sitting at, various devices littering said surface. The tabs he had open on his laptop and monitors contained more information than you had anticipated. He had never let you catch a glance at his work before as he tried to keep you from getting in too deep - the moment you had made eye contact, he had sensed the urgency of your visit.

With a sigh, you passed your hand over your face briefly. "I need some intel on someone. There's something going on and you're the only one that can help me. I'm in this on my own, if it gets out and isn't true, I'm done for."

The springs in his chair creaked slightly as the man you called uncle leaned back, crossing his arms pensively. Even though he couldn't have been older than your father, he looked the part in that moment. Despite anticipating the lecturing gaze, you kept your eyes locked on his, conveying your seriousness.

"자기야 (jagiya - honey), I hope that you know what you're doing. I know you're in it for real now," a pointed glance at your clothed chest where he knew the Dongcheon symbol was inked into your skin. "but doing something that I'm sure goes behind several backs could land you in places you don't want to even think about." There was the lecturing you had waited for.

One of your hands reached into your pocket to retrieve the small piece of paper that you held out to Doyun. When he made no move to accept it, you gently placed it on his keyboard before you reached over and patted his shoulder kindly. You knew he wasn't annoyed or disappointed in you when he didn't utter another word, it was his way of expressing his discontent at your precarious request. With a light squeeze to his shoulder, you straightened and made your way to the door.

"You're the only thing I've got to lose. So that's why I came to you." came your parting words before you left the brooding man alone.

A few days later, you had just taken off your suit and changed into your house attire, your fingers felt for the phone in the hidden compartment of your sideboard. This gesture had accompanied your evenings since meeting with Doyun. To your satisfaction, you had gauged the situation right, the man was someone you could rely on in secrecy - an encrypted mail sat in your inbox. The subject line boasted the promise of billions of won as a prize if you clicked on the attached file, cleverly disguising the message as ordinary spam.

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