Luckily, you had run alongside the gang long enough for them allowing you to stay in their hideout doing meager tasks. Soon though, you decided you needed to take your life into your own hands, no one left with a chance to do it for you. The then current leader, if you could even call him that due to the miniscule size of the gang, had been turning into his own supply more and more. The narcotics had turned him twitchy, thus giving you the chance to outsmart the older man, relying on the majority of the members sticking to your side when you brought it upon yourself to overthrow the leadership.

You knew you could count on some of them but a few had left without returning, silently turning to other gangs or going dissident. Only one man that had heeded discontent at your presence from the very start had been the first to try and fuck you over. While your temper wasn't the best, you had been surprised by the rush of intense anger at being betrayed - the worst being that he ratted you out to a cop - and you swore with a maniacal, cruel smile that you would hunt down every person that betrayed you.

The slim head start you had melted away when the first men started to emerge from behind you while you hurried your way along the dark alley, hoping to gain some leeway by going against the logic - not running towards the street but the water instead. Pressed against a shipping container you tried calming your fast breath and wildly beating heart. When you had almost thought you had gotten rid of them quite easily, a voice called out from behind you. With no time to spare, you even abandoned your bag with the plan to pick it up later when you had gotten out of the pickle you had managed to get yourself into.

There were no more containers in front of you, only the open space between you and the waterfront. A hard sigh left you and you braced before sprinting for your life as you tried to reach the low building that sat at the edge.

Gravel sprayed when halfway across the concrete plane shots rang out around you that only stopped when you quickly ripped your hands up. Even without turning around you knew you were heavily outnumbered and the small knife in your sock would not help your situation. The moment you did turn around though, you were baffled by the amount of men surrounding you, each group easily counting twenty to twenty-five members each. One group was dressed in baggy clothes, much heavy-looking jewellery adorning their figures while the other group was clad in dark suits. Two of them stood out starkly from their followers.

A string of curses left your lips as you realized exactly whom you had stolen from. It did not matter who was the rightful owner of the sample as both looked equally pissed off. Head spinning, your eyes darted between the two obvious leaders and you recognized Do Gangjae first, the crazed man had quite the reputation and you had lost some of your men to his scheming.

His notoriety paled in comparison to the only man that wore not a black suit, but a slate grey one with a dark shirt instead of a white one. Choi Mujin, CEO and owner of Liber, a chain of hotels and casinos on one hand and stone cold boss of Dongcheon, the current leading gang involved with narcotics on the other.

Judging by the knowing nod and smirk that graced the older man's features, he had recognized you as well. You had met before.

인창지방경찰칭 (Inchang Metropolitan Police)

Fingers harshly dug into your upper arms, dragging you along the sparsely lit corridor. Their owners barely looked down at you while you struggled, twisting in all directions. Two more men were flanking your group on either side.

You thought of it as utterly unnecessary, just because you weren't particularly keen on going with them had they wrestled you to the ground of your apartment, surely feeling proud to push your face into the lino. Okay, you had pulled your knife but it's an occupational hazard, right?

Dongcheon's Dagger [Choi Mujin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now