Chapter 2 The Truth is Told

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3rd POV

Before Y/N can say anything in his trance like state he is grabbed by Kaguya and Yuzuru who grab ahold of Y/N and fly into the sky with Y/N in tow

After flying for several minutes the three land at a secluded park

Y/N then shouts his angel's name

Y/N:Come to me Guardian of the Underworld CERBERUS!!

The sound of three roars can be heard as a gigantic three headed dog appears behind Y/N

The sound of three roars can be heard as a gigantic three headed dog appears behind Y/N

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Your Angel

The others soon arrive on the scene and are shocked at what they see


Kotori:Impossible it's the guardian of the Underworld Cerberus!

Yoshino:So is that strong?

Marina:Yoshino Cerberus is the strongest Angel out there it is known for its hellfire like attacks!

Y/N:So your my Angel Cerberus?

Head 1:That is correct

Head 2: and as we said in your head your father was our previous Master

Head 3:Which entitles us to become your Angel for your spirit Form

Y/N:Then that would make my abilities in my spirit Form hotter then any other flame a spirit can produce since you having access to hell fire attacks?

I ask the Angel

Head 1:Yes that is correct

Head 2:But for now we must go

Head 3:Just so you know we will always be there to help you whenever you need us

Cerberus disappears from sight

Summer:Well atleast we know what your angel is son

Silver:So what now?

Y/N:Well a place for us to stay would be the top priority but I may have a idea that can help in someway for my family

Haruko:what do you have in mind?

Y/N:First hear me out before you judge me but I propose that I have a foster family if you will while myself my mother and my sister are here in this world

Silver:I see what your getting at little brother while we are here we each can gather info and learn about this world that we are unfamiliar with

Summer:Who do you wish to be your foster family sweetie

Y/N:I was thinking if it's acceptable with them but I think the itsuka family will be a good foster family to help me get familiar with this world of theirs

Summer:Well Mr and Mrs Itsuka do you mind taking my son in as a foster child as to better help him understand the things in this world of yours?

Tatsuo:we don't mind at all don't we honey

Haruko:not at all we will be glad to be Y/Ns foster family for you

Reine:And while he is staying with them you and your daughter can live in the complex next to the itsuka home as most spirits live there but I'm sure there is a room that the two of you can share

Silver:Alright thank you Ms Reine

Kotori:Let's head back then also Y/N I'll see about getting you into the same school as Shido Tohka and the rest who attend the school as him


We all head back to the Itsuka family home where Shido Shows me to the room I will be using in the house

I lay on the bed as I then look up at the ceiling

Y/N:I wonder if I can reach those back in remnant....One way to find out

I grab my scroll and try to call Jaune

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Jaune (Scroll):Y/N?

Y/N:Hey Jaune so our scrolls can call between worlds

Jaune (Scroll): Apparently so which is Awesome anyway how's that New world Kotori took you to?

Y/N:Well I haven't really learned much over here but I did learn one very important thing about myself

Jaune (Scroll):What's that?

Y/N:Turns out I'm Half Human Half Spirit

Jaune (Scroll):What's a Spirit?

Y/N:Turns out I have special abilities that only a spirit can have access to and turns out my weapons are my spirit weapons too but other than that how are things since we left?

Jaune (Scroll):Everything is still the same but Ruby and Yang are a different story all together

Y/N:What did they do this time?

Jaune (Scroll):Oh nothing just started arguing saying it's the other's fault for what your mom told them and now have drifted apart from each other

Y/N:Of course well like my mother said it's their fault for neglecting my well being but in any case I'm gonna call it a night over here I'll try to call you tomorrow Jaune Night

Jaune (Scroll):Good night Y/N

I hang up the call and get under the covers on the bed where I then fall asleep and peacefully dream


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