So this is how it starts?

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Hello welcome to this zosan story still have not come up with a name it has cursing and it’s kind of OOC

It was an ordinary day for the Straw hats, Sanji was cooking, Luffy was sitting on Merry’s head gazing out to sea, Chopper was crushing herbs to make another rumble ball, Usopp was messing around with some

invention, Nami was making some new maps of the islands they recently visited, Robin was reading mountains of books, and Zoro was training
“Robin-cwan!!! Nami-swan!!” Sanji said with heart eyes (or eye?) while resembling a wiggling noodle “here’s a healthy and nutritious snack for both of you lovely

ladies!” Sanji said while giving them drinks and food after they said they’re thanks to the loving cook he started heading towards the back of the going merry where Zoro most of the time trained, he never really admit it but he didn’t hate the moss-head, he was always

picking fights with him because Zoro made him feel…well…some type of weird way that he would only feel with ladies and it bothered him greatly.
He shook the thought away and continued walking to where Zoro trained “hey moss head do you need anything?” he said “no, I don’t shit cook” but Sanji didn’t take no as an answer he went back to the kitchen to get

some water and went to the guy’s room to get a cold towel after he achieved these things he went back to where Zoro was training and threw the water bottle and towel at him “here, I know damn well in you need these” Zoro scowled but still accepted the things Sanji had given him
He wrapped the towel around his neck and wiped his face, he then uncapped the water bottle taking a long chug, Sanji noticed a

small trickle of water escaped from his mouth and was slowly moving down to his chin..his neck….and..then his chest….damn he was fit…Sanji started having slight lude thoughts until he caught himself “H-Hey you need anything else?..” Sanji said, “Uh no not really,” said Zoro
“GUYS THEIRS A PIRATE SHIP UP AHEAD!!!!” Luffy screeched from the front of the merry, Sanji and Zoro ran up to the deck to see a pirate ship with a skull that had baseball patterns on it after a few seconds they fired a

cannon, the ship got close enough that a few people got on the ship Sanji was easily kicking them down until one threw some pink powder in his face, he coughed a shit ton and fell to his knees on the ground
“Yo, dartboard brows you good?” “Oh yeah definitely didn’t just cough my life out!” “Just get up and fight already dumbass!”


(A/N: so uh two quick things! First..did you like the start of this story? And second i need some suggestions on what the pink dust should do to sanji because uhm I'm dumb-)

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