Chapter 2 searching

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Chapter 2

Countless search parties were started into finding him but no one was successful. The only remaining finding of him was a sketchbook. Spencer's family never left their house. They stopped talking to others and Spencer's siblings were taken out of school. Yeri and Evan were nervous but in hope he would come back. Yeri told Berret that she couldn't be in a relationship while something terrible was going on. Spencer's neighbor Mairy claimed she saw him on her porch in the middle of the night. She describes it like a ghost story. However the whole town knew Mairy for lying and telling false stories. But Spencer's family were so desperate for answers so they believed her. At this point they would take anything. "He's been gone for two weeks now we have to go look for him! We can't keep waiting for him to come back. Face it, it's been two weeks." "We can't! What if what happened to him happens to us?! We need to be smart about what we do." Evan was not the biggest risk taker. She wanted to play it safe so no one would get hurt. This was their first real argument, they had bickered a few times before but never about anything serious. They were both in fear that Spencer would not return but had different ideas. "I broke up with Beret to help Evan!Something needs to be done. He could be in serious trouble!" Yeri was frantically trying to convince Evan but Evan was not ready, meantally or physically. Evan was the non athletic scrawny type. "It's way too dangerous! You need to listen to me... I don't want you to get hurt. I couldn't handle that, not even the thought." It was difficult to convince Evan anything that she already said no to. "Evan. I hate to do this but, if you won't help me... i can't be your friend anymore." Evan's eyes grew wide and began to fill with tears. She threw her arms around Yeri "I will... but promise me we'll play it safe." 

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