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The cold, nippy wind blew accros the illuminated yet deserted Bolt City. The substance (or rather virus' A653 had taken control over most inhabitants. The girl hid from those she had once called friends, her sharp inhaling and exhaling becoming quicker and quicker. She calmed down. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she last slept. 5 - no - 6 days? She heard shuffling around her. She felt a chill go down her spine.
"Ar-Arei? Is that you?" The girl whispered.
However, instead of seeing what she had thought, it was completely different; the creatures made by the substance ambushed her. But before she could run, the creatures melted into the substance and took hold of the limbs. She was taken away.

OKAY SO I made this before I really had any idea for
1. Sentence structures and how to make sure a sentence makes sense
2. The actual plot of this story
So not only is this a standalone if I do decided to finish it, it will be heavily decanonised, as the character she calls has now been made to have no friends.  Also, I might be posting some other stuff I made in school a while ago, so ya'll can look out for them

TW: the following bit mentions some very gorey details so don't stick around if your not ok with that

fun fact: I originally had two ideas. One being that she would be kidnapped and turned into a monster and the other being that the creatures just drag her away and rip her limbs apart, leaving her mangled body and limbs as a warning for anyone passing by. I did this for school and they wouldn't be chill if I did something like that (my friend once wrote a thing where a character chopped another character up with very little detail and she was asked to rewrite it or smth, that's how I know I would.) so I ended up leaving the reader to interpret the end.

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