16: External Screaming

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Pure Vanilla Cookie was reaching his last ounce of patience.

Everyone was still going to him for everything, like he was still the king! He's not! They can decide some of these things themselves!
He's tired of getting called away from his dear all the time! He felt like he was slowly going insane because of the little time he was able to spend with them. It was exactly like before the war! ...Just minus the fact that they don't randomly appear and make him feel better throughout the day.

Gosh... that would make this so much more bearable.

Finally—FINALLY—getting a night of peace and quiet, Pure Vanilla Cookie sighs, unable to sleep. He grabs a pillow from the soft bed and hurries down to the dungeons, taking the entrance in the courtyard.

To his surprise, (C/F) Cookie was also still awake.


"And there goes my quiet evening." They sigh.

"Why are you still awake?" He asks, stepping inside the cell, ignoring their comment about his presence.

"The floor is very uncomfortable."

"That's why I brought you that blanket and..." He sighs, spotting the pillow just out of their reach. He sat down beside it, passing it back to them and sitting with his own pillow hugged against him.

"You couldn't sleep either?" They ask, tossing the pillow across the room, where it lands just past their legs.

"I was worried about you."


"Am I not allowed to be worried about you?"

"...Why would you be worried about me? It's not like I can go anywhere." They rephrase.

He sighs, "I'm sorry dear."

"No you're not!" They scoff.

"I am!" He snaps, then coughs, lowering his voice to a controlled volume. "It's been unbearable to be apart from you..."

"Then let me go!"

He ignores that. "I was hoping that after I gave the kingdom to the village that things could go back to when we traveled together. I take it you remember our pilgrimage."

"So many sheep..." They grimace, "But there you go again, changing the subject... You could've prevented this mess by letting me leave and figure these things out for myself."


"I don't know if you'd have come back." He mumbles.

"I would've have to come back to give myself closure about my decision. Not only that, but if you had let me leave, I could've found it in my soul to forgive you for the things you'd done, since you could've done much worse. You know, like this!" (C/F) Cookie shrugs. "You never did anything violent before you dropped me in that lake did you?"


"See? Then— Wait. Why was that a hesitant no?"


"Pure Vanilla Cookie?" They say expectantly.

"White Lily Cookie got involved before I did anything!" He insists.

"So you thought about it, but didn't actually do anything, right?"



More silence.

"You have made me lose all confidence in you."

"I'm trying to remember... I don't think I did..." He explains.

"Your use of "think" is making me nervous." They frown at him.

"I don't want to lie to you... but... I had a lot more outbursts than you heard about..."

"Ah! Now I'm worried." They nod, tensing in fear.

"Dear, just from your posture I can tell you're naturally going to try to run if I go into any specifics. I need you to calm down if you want to keep having this conversation." He says.

"Calm down?!" They snap back, "You're the one who's making me stressed, maybe rather than being vague with your answers you can give me some specifics that don't make me fear the worst!"

He looks around, clearly they didn't realize just how much their voice was echoing around the walls.


"No, you don't just get to "dear" me!" They snap, "I have every right to be upset about this! Did you ever think to just ask me about things instead of acting rashly?"

"I didn't want to bother you all the time, (C/F) Cookie." His voice is soft as a whisper, "I know how annoying that is." Actually his voice hadn't changed in volume, they were just shouting that loudly.

"I wouldn't have been annoyed! I'd have appreciated you asking instead of deciding everything for me!" They shout.

"Was I ever wrong with what you'd like?" He asks, still speaking calmly.

"...No." They finally stop yelling. "Not that I remember..."

"Exactly. When I was already pretty certain of the answer I didn't want to bother you and ask." He smiles.

"It would've felt a lot more like you were taking my opinion into consideration..." They grumble.

"I'm sorry it felt like I wasn't." He looks towards the window. "Dear..."

"What?" They ask, trying to sound a lot more calm than they felt. (They really hoped there wasn't a crow out there at that moment. It had taken quite a bit of time for the first to come back for their response, but right now would be a bad time for a reply.)

Obviously that didn't work since he turns to them with wide eyes. He could tell they were scared, but not why. Hopefully. Hopefully he couldn't tell why.

Whatever he was going to say is now lost as he reaches out to them, "(C/F) Cookie—"

They acted before they caught up with reasoning. Almost like what happened at the lake, they weakly tried to stand, but fell on their weakened legs.

"(C/F) Cookie!" He hurries to their side, lifting them gently into his lap. Both pillows now lay discarded on opposite sides of the cell. "Are you ok? Why did you do that? I told you this—." He cuts himself off, recognizing the lack of need for an 'I told you so.'

"Ow." They reach up for the pain in their head, but his hand met them on the way up and he held it away.

"I..." He sighs, "Dear, if I heal you, you better promise me you're not going to try to lift the bars.

"I'm not that stupid." They frown at him.

"(C/F) Cookie. Promise me."

"I promise I'm not that dumb."

"I could just leave you like this; you'd probably die."

"You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you did that." They counter.

"Then would you rather I heal just enough to save you, but leave the rest of you in pain."


"Then promise me you won't try to lift the bars."

"I-I promise."

"Promise to what?"

"I promise I won't try to lift the bars."


(C/F) Cookie feels him healing them. They must've really hurt themself on the fall for it to take as long as it did... or he was purposefully dragging it out to take longer.
They wouldn't put that past him.

"There." He smiles, squeezing their hand gently.
If they didn't remember that they were in the dungeon, and at his mercy, it would've felt like the loving smile he always had when he saw them before the war.

"I'll fetch the pillows for you. Don't  move too fast, you'll still probably be a bit lightheaded." He set them down.

They sigh, feeling even worse than their prison normally made them feel.
"Crumbs..." They bury their face in their hands as they mumble, "What are both of us thinking?"

Liar (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now