Chapter 1 How it all Started

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Emma is a 13 year old girl who has a major lying problem. She doesn't have a reason for why she does it, it just happens. Emma hates that she does it and hates herself for doing. She tries to explain to doctors she just does it and honestly can not control it.

This started because Emma one day decided to tell a simple white lie and people believed her. Emma told people that she owned 5 homes, one in Texas, another in Iowa, two homes in New Jersey, and her last one in Michigan. She was surprised people believed her and it made her feel good because people started to like her because they thought she was rich. Emma liked how this made her feel and continued to do it like she would tell people she had eaten her twin in her womb, she goes on 5 vacations every summer, she has over 50 cousins etc. People believed her even when she would tell obvious lies and Emma felt like she could control everything and everyone because of this.

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