Chapter 17

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2 days later

I walked into Wanda's room. And the tv was on, the news "they are operating outside and above the international law."

"I wish you would stop watching this shit," I said.

"Because that's the reality, if we don't respond to acts like these. What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeri-" the tv turned off. Steve stood in the doorway.

"Thanks, Steve," I said.

"It's my fault," Wanda said.

"That's not true," Steve said.

"Wanda, don't say that," I said.

"Turn the TV back on. They're being very specific."

"I should've clocked that bomb vest long before you had to deal with it. Rumlow said "BUCKY"... and all of a sudden I was a 16-year-old kid again, in Brooklyn. And people died. It's on me," Steve moved to sit next to Wanda. I followed him and sat on the other side of her. I put my head on the shoulder and rubbed her back.

"It's on both of us," Wanda said.

"This job," Steve started, "We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that then next time maybe nobody gets saved." I nodded, I kinda did agree with Steve. Suddenly I saw Vision walking through the wall. "Vis! We talked about this," Wanda said. Wanda and Vision had been spending a lot of time with each other since we came back from Lagos. I was glad that Vision was there for her. "Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that," we all stared at him, "sorry," he said, he walked back out.

"Alright, guys, I have to do some work," Steve said, "Hang in there ok?" he said giving Wanda a hug. Wanda nodded. Steve walked out.

"Hey, are you sure you'll be ok if I go with Tony to MIT?"

"Yes, I'll be fine, Aj."

"I feel like I should stay though," I said,

"Aj, I will feel worse if you don't go, so please go you've been planning this for a while, so go spend some time with your dad."

"Ok," I said, "Tony is going to pick me up in five, so I'm going to go get my stuff and I'll be back." I went and brought my stuff downstairs and found Vision, "Hey," I said to him. "Can you look after Wanda while I'm gone? Make sure she's ok and doesn't do anything stupid," I asked.

"Yes, Aj, I'd love to."

"Thanks, Vision," I said. I went back into Wanda's room. Right as I walked in the door I got a text from Tony,

Tony: I'm here, please be out in the next five minutes.

Aj: K, I'll be out soon, just saying bye to Wanda.

I walked over to Wanda and gave her a hug. "Bye Wands," I said. I gave her a kiss and her lips pushed onto mine. "Bye Aj," she said.

"Call me if you need anything, ok?" I said.

"Ok," she said. I gave her one more kiss then walked out of the room, grabbed my stuff, and left the compound. I got into a black Audi that Tony was in. "Hey Tony," I said.

"Hey Aj," he said, "how are you?" he asked.

"Good, I guess," I said.

"How do you feel about the mission?"

"I don't know," I said, "I mean I feel horrible about what happened obviously, and I mean, I don't know, can we talk about something else? I've been talking about this fucking mission non-stop for the past three days."

"Yeah," Tony said, "did you use the repulser?" He asked.

"That's still about the mission," I said

"Yeah, I know, I just want to know how they worked."

"They were great," I said, "I really enjoyed using them."

"Great," Tony said.

"Are we driving or flying?" I asked.

"Driving, the drives only like four hours and I know you hate flying," Tony said, "how's Wanda?"

"I mean, she's not ok, she blames everything on herself and it wasn't only her fault, I just feel so horrible for her and what she's going through. And I felt so horrible leaving her, but she said it was ok." Tony nodded, "What did you do while I was gone?" I asked.

"I was at our house in upstate New York, relaxing and getting away from the Avengers," he said, "but apparently there is no way to escape the Avengers and all of the news that follows them."


After the four-hour drive, we got to the hotel. Tony checked it while I got our stuff from the car. We brought our stuff up to our room. I layed down on the bed and woke up eight hours later to Tony shaking me. "Aj, Wake up and get dressed," he said. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. My outfit was hanging up. I took a quick shower, straightened my hair, did some light make-up, and put my navy suit on. I put my hair up into a high ponytail and walked out of the bathroom. "Aj, you look great!" Tony said, "Now, will you let me go over my presentation with you?"

"Yeah, go ahead," I said. Tony went over his presentation. "Tony," I said, "That was amazing, your amazing, and what your doing is so great."

"Yeah, I know," He looked down at his watch, got "we have to go," he said. 


Words: 909

Soulless | Book 1 of 2 | Stark's daughter x Natasha RomanoffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant