Chapter 33 - Monty

Start from the beginning

Julian, Ambrose, and Darius each have their own strengths, and as I watch them, I can't help thinking Ferrault would be a fool to attack us outright. Noah agrees.

"That's why he'll go the 'Challenge' route," he says, sitting beside me on a fallen log as we take a break from 'practice' to eat some lunch. "One-on-one, alpha-to-alpha. Either he wins and takes our Pack, or Dane wins and sends his packing."

"What's the point of all this, then?" Ed asks, pouring Sasha a glass of lemonade from the pitcher. "If y'all are just gonna follow these 'Wolf rules,' anyway?"

Noah pushes his glasses up his nose. "If we can avoid unnecessary bloodshed, we will," he says. "That's why the Challenge exists; it stops Packs from tearing each other to shreds by letting the leaders do the fighting. But we have to be ready to defend ourselves, nonetheless. Ferrault wants our territory; he's less interested in our Pack – especially our non-traditional members. If things go badly, everyone who's not a full-blooded Wolf will be in danger."

I look around. 'Not a full-blooded Wolf' covers a good portion of the people I love.

Elena snorts. She sits across from us with Martin on another bench-like log, clothed in a loose robe for ease of Shifting form. I'd been a bit surprised when she'd joined us, but I'm less surprised to hear her express herself now.

"This is the trouble with mating outside the Packs," she says. "Diluted blood is weak blood, and weak blood makes a weak Pack. The rest of us suffer for it."

"El..." Martin remonstrates gently. "That isn't true."

"Isn't it?" she snaps, her eyes cold and hard. "Why should our children be endangered for your brother's..." she cuts herself off, thankfully, and huffs. "All I'm saying is, there is value in tradition. It exists for a reason, and to flout it invites bad luck."

She looks across at Ed as she says this, and at little Kitka in his arms. He stares back, undaunted and bristling, and Elena looks away first.

"I'm tired," she announces, rising. "I'm going home to rest. Martin, come."

With a glance of apology, he follows her.

I watch them leave and feel a twinge of guilt twist my heart. I'd been putting off the conversation I meant to have with Martin because we'd all been so busy, and he'd seemed happier than I'd seen him yet, these past few days. As he trails after his mate and disappears among the trees, I realize I can't put it off much longer. If there's a chance Elena sympathizes with Ferrualt's views, she could be a weak link, and Dane needs to know.

~ ☾ ~

The next day, Martin doesn't join us, though. He says he has some work to do, and needs to finish a manuscript. Ed and Ophelia are absent as well, and I hope it's not because of what Elena said.

Troubled by the possible rift, I decide to visit Martin that evening after dinner, when I know Elena will be gone for her night shift at the hospital.

We're about halfway through our meal, however, gathered inside around Sasha's table, when Dane's phone rings.

"It's the sheriff," he says, looking at the screen, and excuses himself to answer it. He listens to whatever the sheriff says, and I can tell by the way his face goes through about four shades of grim that it's not good news.

"Understood. We'll be there soon." He ends the call and looks up at us. "There's been another fire," he says.

"Where?" Freya asks, on her feet already.

"The mobile home park."

Kit gasps. "Ophie?"

Dane nods. "She's alright. But... I'm afraid Ed and the baby are missing."

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