That's when (Y/N) decided, until she were to figure out how to control her transformation, she wouldn't tell or show anybody.

And she stuck by that promise ever since that night.

As her and Mei grew, (Y/N) noticed Ming was paying less attention to her and more attention on her sister. This annoyed (Y/N) to an extent, so over time, she started caring less about grades, and more about living life how she wanted, rebelling against her mum, as she clearly seemed to not care. She learned to control her anger and harness it to transform into her red panda whenever she pleased. She never showed any negative emotion towards her family and friends, in case her panda decided to introduce itself.

Once she turned 15/16, she noticed her mother kept a close eye on her for a short period of time, before it seemed she gave up on whatever it was that she was thinking. (Y/N) never knew why her mum became so observant of her for that time, but frankly, she didn't care. At least she wasn't under surveillance all day long anymore.

As Ming put all her attention on Meilin, (Y/N) began to embrace her newfound freedom. After school, she'd quickly drop her stuff off at home, do a little homework so her mum wouldn't pester her about it, and go for a run in her panda form after dinner once the sun had set. She jumped over buildings, ran through empty streets, and on rare occasions, even made her way to a nearby forest to get away from the busy roads and honking cars.

Over time, she found her panda size had slightly shrunk as her anger faded. She guessed her size depended on her level of fury and frustration. Now that she was handling her emotions in a healthy way, her red panda went to a slightly smaller size. And when she came home late, her mum always assumed she was staying out with her friends, which she wasn't at all happy about.

Ming always scolded (Y/N) whenever she came home late. She asked who the people were that she was always hanging out with, was it a boyfriend?! (Y/N) assured her she didn't have a boyfriend, but even if she did, she definitely wouldn't tell her mother.


On one Friday night, when (Y/N) returned home especially late, Ming demanded to know what she was doing all these nights. Her grades had plummeted, her attitude was increasing, and she barely spoke with her mother. Eventually, once Ming couldn't take anymore of (Y/N)'s excuses, an argument broke out. Luckily, Meilin was out at a sleepover with her three friends at Miriams house.

"You never speak to me anymore!" Ming exclaimed. "What is going on with you? Do you not care about your education anymore?!"

"Of course, I do! I just don't centre my entire life around school!" (Y/N) explained with her arms in the air. "And it's not my fault we don't talk as much. You barely ask me how how my day was! It's always about Mei Mei, and what she's doing! It's never about me!"

"So you want more attention? That's all? Fine! How was school today?" Ming asked with a forced smile.

"That's not what I meant! The last time we spent time together, or even had a full conversation was almost three years ago! I'm sixteen now!" The argument continued as (Y/N) sat on one of the dining room chairs while her mum stood in front of her.

"Exactly! Sixteen! Year 11! Shouldn't you be taking your grades seriously?!"

"Is that all you care about? You know school's not the only thing going on in my life, right?"

"Well, I would know if you would just tell me!"

"Well, you would know if you would just ask me!"

"How am I supposed to ask you when you're never here?! What are you even doing this late? With these people? Going to parties? Committing crimes?" Ming gasped. "Are you a criminal?"

"No, Mum! I'm not a criminal!"

"Then what?! What's going on with you?"

(Y/N) remained silent.

"You wanted me to ask, didn't you? Well, I'm asking! What's going on?" Ming continued to ask as she stepped closer to (Y/N), who was still seated in her chair. "Why are your grades slipping? Why don't you care about school like you used to? Are these friends of yours being a bad influence?"

(Y/N) began to shake as she stared at her mum, dead in the eye, desperate to control her emotions. Her rising anger was making it increasingly difficult.

"Now what? You wanted a conversation. I'm trying to speak to you, so what else is there, (Y/N)?!"

(Y/N) stood up. She tried to speak. Her mind raced to find something she desperately wanted to say. But no words formed. She exhaled through her nose and shook her head. She slowly walked towards the hallway to the bedrooms.

"Nothing? Really?" Ming called out as she walked away. "You said you wanted to talk, so I'm talking! Why are you walking away from me? What else do you want me to do?!"

(Y/N) froze. All she wanted to do in that moment was scream "I want you to be my mum again!" But she couldn't. Whether it was just because she was too tired to argue, or because she knew if she lashed out, there was a good chance of her red panda being revealed. And she really couldn't deal with whole other fiasco.

"I want you to focus on something other than grades for a second. Not just for me, for Mei as well. She needs more than you reminding her about homework all the time. If you're not gonna do it for me, do it for her." (Y/N) walked off to her room with her hands in tight fists. She thought over what happened. Should she have shown the panda to her mother? Was then the perfect time to explain? Will she ever get another chance? Or will the panda remain a secret... forever?

She didn't know.

But as soon as she got into her room, pink smoke filled the air. (Y/N) sighed. She observed her paws and the swirls on her arms. It was always a good release. It was like a break from being, well, (Y/N). But at the same time, she felt like her normal-self. Maybe she'll tell Mei Mei? It would be nice to show someone after these few years of keeping it all a secret. But when?


Ming never liked showing vulnerability, especially near her daughters. But what she didn't realise, is that by avoiding her supposedly vulnerable emotions, she was also avoiding her eldest daughter. They did have their casual, yet very short, talks every now and then, but that was pretty much it. It was hard to face (Y/N) after her last statement that one Friday night. It got Ming thinking. Was she truly as strict as (Y/N) made her seem? Surely not. Meilin would've said something! It's a shame that neither Ming or (Y/N) noticed this lack of communication was the reason behind the tension and arguments between them.

Mei, on the other hand, could clearly see the tension. It made her guilty, having to choose a side. Although she secretly knew her sister was in the right, she couldn't help but take her mums side. Her mothers approval meant everything to her.

This was life inside the Lee household for four years. Until, Meilin Lee discovered her own red panda. And (Y/N) finally had someone to show hers to.


Hello my lovely readers! As you now know, I'm writing another book!

'Turning Red' came out a few days ago on Disney+ and I've watched it four times already... The animation, the story, everything about the movie is fabulous. I knew I had to write this story idea while the movie is trending ahaha.

I hope you all liked the prologue and gave you the gist of this story's plot. If there's any questions about (Y/N)'s relationships with any of the family members, I'll make sure to clear it up in the following chapter.

Thanks for reading! My new plan is to write multiple chapters at a time so I can update more frequently, so hopefully I stick to that :)

See you in chapter 1!

- Chalupa

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