"He's totally going to tell Simza and John, isn't he?" Y/N mumbled.

"For sure."


Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Simza, Y/N, and Carruthers sat around the table and came up with a plan. Y/N wasn't a total fan of it, but Sherlock promised to give her a single when it was time. She was silent the whole way to the summit. They were required to go through the snow to the summit via horse. Sherlock rode with Y/N again, holding her tight. He excused it as keeping her warm, but everyone knew the truth. Once they were stopped, Sherlock slipped off the horse first and then helped Y/N off. He kept hold of her, bringing her closer.

"This will work," he whispered, warm breath fanning against her face.

She swallowed and gave him an unconvincing nod. "I know... I love you."

Sherlock responded with a kiss to her lips, making sure is was long and loving. "I love you. Now," he pecked her lips once more before he moved to hold out his good arm to her, "let's go."

The group got through check in and made their way into the ballroom. There were people scattered along the edges of the room while dancing happened in the middle.

"I can tell you that the targets are the German chancellor and his ambassador, the French prime minister and his man," Mycroft stated as they huddled together in the room. "And the other nations are really working out which side to take should hostilities erupt." Sherlock and Y/N looked around the room, observing everything. "There's Prince Michael, a cousin of the czar, and the Russian ambassador. The Archduke Karl Ludwig and the Austro-Hungarian ambassador. The Romanian Prime Minister and his ambassador. And of course our prime minister and the British ambassador."

"He'll choose a moment when all the dignitaries are assembled, preferably standing still," Sherlock noted. "Is there to be an official photograph?"

"Indeed, yes. In, uh," Mycroft pulled out his pocket watch, "38 minutes."

"In which case, we might as well dance."

Sherlock held his hand out to Y/N. She set her hand in his and let him lead her onto the dance floor. The hand connected to Sherlock's injured arm, rested on Y/N's hip. His other hand held Y/N's up.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Y/N asked, looking around frantically for Moriarty.

"I'm sure, my love," Sherlock replied. "Just follow my lead."

Sherlock began leading her around, all while observing those in the room.

"What do you see?" Y/N asked.

"Everything," Sherlock responded. He made eye contact with Y/N. "That is my curse."

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Hmm," he nodded slightly. "Would you mind if I switched partners?"

"As long as it's only for a dance."

"Just for a dance, my love."

Sherlock stopped dancing and led Y/N off the dance floor to their small group. He leaned over and kissed her cheek before letting her go and offering John his hand.

"I thought you'd never ask," John replied.

The men held onto each other and began waltzing away. Y/N stood next to Simza as they watched the men waltz. Even as she kept her eyes on Sherlock, Y/N could feel Moriarty stand next to her. He held his hand out in front of her.

"May I?" Moriarty questioned.

Y/N stayed silent, answering with a nod and by setting her hand on his. She eyed Simza as Moriarty led her onto the dance floor. As they began waltzing, Y/N noticed Sherlock staring from over Moriarty's shoulder.

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