𝟎𝟔 | chapter six

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FOR once, Techno's day does not get significantly worse with the arrival of an authority figure. Then again, Jack Manifold isn't much of a menace. He's a nuisance at best.

Some days, Techno likes Detective Manifold. There's something amusing about him.

Today, however, Technoblade tolerates him. They're working on the same side, after all.

Techno wants to punish those responsible for hurting Ranboo, and Manifold wants to a clear picture of what happened so he can punish the right people. The Syndicate is not the enemy here—Gamble and Inferno are.

He can't wait to see them get their asses handed to them by Jack Manifold.

It's been nearly a week since Ranboo's apartment burned down. The first few days, he didn't do much more than sleep, take a few bites of food, and pass out again. Yesterday, they moved him to Techno's; Ranboo takes the bed, and Techno gets the couch. He doesn't mind.

Today is an important step, though. Today is Ranboo's first day functioning semi-normally.

Technoblade is managing the shop, and Ranboo is sitting behind the counter, dealing with the occasional customer.

They may be a used bookstore, but they have their regulars. Techno is proud of his reputation for high quality first-editions. The worst thing to be found is a dog-eared page.

The bell rings, and Techno tosses his usual "hallo" over his shoulder, flipping through their historical fiction section. He can't find shit after Niki and Ranboo reorganized them by color.

Maybe I can convince Dream to help me reorganize, Techno muses. He stops when he spots a copy of Frankenstein. How the hell do you mistake Frankenstein for historical fiction?

Techno is about to relocate the book when he hears Ranboo say, "We don't have a meeting today."

Meeting? Techno's mind immediately grasps onto the Syndicate, but that doesn't make sense. Ranboo wouldn't greet Niki or Phil like that.

He turns.

Jack Manifold stands there, hands stuffed in his pockets. Techno has a feeling the detective's smile is supposed to be comforting, but his skin only prickles. What the hell is he doing here?

Ranboo, however, is unperturbed. "Can I help you with anything?"

He usually says "we," Technoblade notes. Ranboo's planning something, then. He needs to stay in wait.

The man slips through the aisle, ducking closer while finding a better hiding place. Through a gap in the books, Techno finds the perfect vantage point to observe the conversation. If either of them call him out, he was simply shelving books. What's the harm in that?

"If it's not too much of a hassle, I'd like to talk to you about the night your apartment burned down," Manifold says, straight to the point. There's no beating around the bush with him, is there?

"I, uh, don't remember much," Ranboo replies. "My— My memory isn't, uh— It's not that great."

"Whatever you do helps." The detective procures a notebook and pencil from his coat, then leans against the counter for leverage. "Where have you been staying since the attack?"

The kid clears his throat. "Here. And, uh, Niki's."

Manifold nods. "Glad to hear. Do you remember who saved you?"

Straight to the point. Techno can appreciate that. Usually, the people who are so straightforward have a low tolerance for bullshit.

He wonders what Manifold's reasons are for being so blunt.

𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔, dreamnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now