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Song of the day- Acquainted by The Weekend

I walked with him to his room and I wanted to fuck him right there and then. He looked at me and smirked. "I know something about you Hobi." I looked at him and please lord let him not find out. "We're kittens surprise." No fucking way he is too. "Yea and you put catnip o

this room." I sniff around and I saw something sexier. A dildo. A dragon one... "You a freaky mf Travis." He smiled and came closer to me. I forgot he was taller than me and his dreads are so nice. His blonde and black dreads are so attractive. (Like XXXTENCATION Hair)

He stared at me and kissed me. "Wanna see my tail Hoseok." "of course baby boy." He took off his pants and I stood there mesmerized. He took off his hat and I saw his ears. He had black ears and a black tail.  He looked like a puma and I just look like a white tiger. My fur isn't good. He came closer and sat on my lap. "I'm sleepyyy." I lay him down and he started to lick my neck again. "Hold on baby, I have to take off my clothes." He stopped and nodded. I got up and took off my clothes. He was just staring at me, I have gotten a little shy. I was done taking off my clothes and he was shocked to see me like that. I blushed and lay down. "Cuddles?" and Travis came over and cuddle with me. Best day of my life.

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