season 1: chapter 1

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NOVEMBER 6th, 1983.

in the distance, a dog could be heard barking. and in the living room of the trailer, the news was playing. reporting power outage.

you was sleeping peacefully in your room, ignoring the bright sunrays that shone so brightly in your eyes.

when someone tapped on your shoulder, you fluttered your eyes open to see your dad with a cigarette in his mouth.

"wake up, honey. it's almost seven" he mumbled. you groaned and sat up, looking at your watch.

"i'm up" you mumbled as your dad left your room.

you went down the hall and jumped straight into the shower while your dad went outside to finish his cigarette.

you threw on a pair of blue fitted jeans and a brown flannel that was your dads, so it was loose and big on you.
you hair-sprayed your hair and put it into a
halfup-halfdown hairstyle. you put on some worn out converse high tops.

after getting ready for the day, you grabbed your books and put them in your backpack before grabbing your skateboard.

"you skating home or you want me to pick you up?" your dad asks you as he takes a sip of beer. he was in his uniform now and didn't look as much of a mess as he did when he woke up.

"i'll skate home" you nodded.

"bye honey, love you" he said.

"love you too!" you yelled back as you paced down the stairs and began walking down the long gravel driveway to the road, where you can then being skating to school.

you arrived at the school and was putting your books in your locker when you heard two familiar voice approaching.

"but not like that" the voice said. you turned around and saw nancy and barb walking to their lockers, which coincidentally was next to yours.

"we just... made out, a couple times" nancy said as she blushed.

"we just, made out, a couple times" you said in a mocking voice as you closed your locker and walked over to them. nancy gave you a look to shut up but you just chuckled at her respond.

"nance, seriously, you're gonna be so cool now, ifs ridiculous" barb said.

"no, i'm not" nancy defended.

"you better still hang out with me, that's all i'm saying" barb laughed.

"you have y/n" nancy pointed to you.

"ay! leave me out of this. i don't do that cringey bullshit" you replied as you leaned against a locker.

"you mean this thing called friendship" nancy raised an eyebrow.

"yeah, that. i don't do that" you pointed as you rummaged through your backpack to find some gum.

"so what are we then?" barb asked.

"eh, people that i know and hang out with at school... and sometimes out of school" you shrugged as you opened a package of gum.

"that's literally the definition of a friend" nancy deadpanned.

"whatever" you furrowed your eyebrows. nancy pulled out a note from her locker and read it. her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. you snatched the note from her hand to read it.

"oooh nancy. looks like someone misses you" you teased as you gave the paper back to her. she pressed her lips into a thin line and blushed.

"i'm sure it's just nothing" nancy shook her head.

"ohh sure... nothing" you winked. she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. so you hugged yourself and kissed the hair while making kissing noises. barb snorted and nancy playfully slapped you.

"stop" she pleaded sheepishly. you chuckled.

"i gotta go, see you girls later" you laughed as you began walking away.


the day was painfully long and you were extremely tired. but finally, the school bell rang and it was time to go home.

there was a light breeze that was kind of chilly against your skin.
the sound of your skateboards wheels grazed against the tar road.

you blinked, and when you opened your eyes, a tall, grey thing was in front of you. the creature was slimy and it didn't have a face. you gasped as your board swerved and you fell on the road.
the creatures deep voice croaked before turning into a more high pitched giggle like sound. you rubbed your eyes and propped yourself up off the ground with your elbows. but when you opened your eyes the creature was gone.

weird. you must be so tired that you're just hallucinating. you really needed to get home and get some sleep.

you skated slowly on the way home since you were so tired and didn't want to crash.
but when you finally reached home, you kicked off your shoes and slumped on your bed. closing your eyes and drifting off into a slumber.

you heard distant shouting. like several people shouting for someone named will.

"will byers!" the voices echoed. you recognise that name.

you put your shoes on and grabbed a coat before walking out of your dads trailer. flashlights in the distance were being waved around.
you heard an all too familiar voice calling for will. it was your dad.

you followed the voices to find your dad, along with the hawkins police and civilians searching for will.

"dad? what's going on?" you asked.

"y/n i need you to go home. from now on, you are to go straight to school and come straight back home. no going out with your friends. you hear me?" he said. you furrowed your eyebrows.

"what?" you asked.

"y/n do you understand" your dad repeated.

"yeah... yeah sure i understand" you shook your head.

"good, now go back inside" he said. you scoffed and turned around, marching inside the trailer and slamming the door behind you.

you didn't understand why he was speaking to you the way he did, or why you couldn't leave. you could dwell on it but instead, you decided to pick up your sketching journal and play some music.

you sketched your hallucination you had on the road.
the way it's face opened up and the way slime was dripping from it.
you had to admit, your mind made up some pretty crazy things when you were tired. this one was by far your favourite.

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