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Everyone gasps!


He want's to go to prom, with me?

I stand there, mouth hanging open.

" Will you? I mean- I'd totally understand if you don't-"

NO, NO, NO COCO! We do not hang out with the popular di-

" Yeah! I'd love too!" I say, smiling.

I watch as his face lightness up.

People start clapping, Booing, throwing things, snatching weaves!

I quickly run to the bathroom, Piper following behind me. Once we get in, we lock the door. We look at each other, then start squealing.

"OMG COCO! H-How did this happen? Why did he ask you? What are you going to wear?" Piper says, hugging me very tightly.

" I-I don't know! I mean out of everybody, he chose me! WHY DIDN'T HE CHOOSE YOU?"




" uM LaDiEs Can I Help YOU?" Mrs. Rocksmith says.

" UM HELL NAH! GET OUT! I love you mom!" Piper yells, whispering the last part.

Her mom quickly leaves, smirking at our current situation.

" omg Indi can help! She's gone to prom once, and won an award for Best Dressed!"

" YES! Indi is one of the only rich people I like." I say, pulling Piper out of the bathroom.

We search the hallways, looking for the dirty blonde chick. Once we found her, I immediately run to her.

" Oh, Hey Coco!"

Indi Star:




In The 12th Grade

An Amazing Friend

" I need to tell you something-"

" GAVIN ASKED COCO TO PROM, AND SHE SAID YES!" Piper yells, causing all the 12 graders to look at us.

" um yeah I know... I was at the assembly." Indi says. trying to ignore the stares.

" oh yeah- Anyways, we need your help getting a dress!"

" Oof, girls this could take months! Hmmmm, let's see... Prom's in 3 months, and maybe, JUST MAYBE... All the dresses aren't sold out.... Ok, I'm in!" Indi says, smiling. I give her a huge hug, thanking her for her help.

We run to my locker, just to see a boy standing there.

From his body language, I could tell he was nervous. I look at Piper, before walking over to him. I tap his shoulder, to get his attention. He quickly turns around, and reveals his face.

Me and his nervous eyes meet.

It's Gavin.

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