Dont mess with his boyfriend's boyfriend

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A lot of people have got Marcus Flint twisted. While he isn't that good at expressing his emotions, and he can get a bit rough and out of line on the quidditch pitch, he isn't an asshole. In fact he is a very caring person and does not belive a single ounce of that pureblood supremacy bull crap that he is occasionally mistaken for beliving and has to endure in his day to day life.

Despite his lack of emotional understanding Marcus is a very protective person. That protective streak extends beyond his own loved ones and to those his loved ones cared for as well. Off the pitch he had only one loved one and that was his boyfriend, Oliver Wood.

On the pitch, Oliver was a rival. Another teams captain and the keeper stopping him and his team from winning the game. Off the pitch he was the only person Marcus would have long extended conversations with. Their relationship had started from the rivalry and neither could deny that it could be fun to indulge in that rivalry at times.

Sure he could be defensive over his house mates but it was no where near the protective he could be of Oliver. Or of Oliver's loved ones.

The list of his boyfriend's loved ones included his team, a few friends and Oliver's other boyfriend Percy Weasley.

Now Percy and Marcus weren't hostile to each other but you couldn't call them best friends either. They had a mutual understanding, and as such a truce had formed between them. If you were to leave them in a room together the only topic they could talk about without near chaos breaking out would be Oliver. The pair had a shared love for the gryffindor quidditch captain.

Because of that shared love and despite their lack of friendship Marcus was protective of Percy.

"Flint!" Oliver shouted down the corridor. He couldn't help the smile that started to form on his face.

"To what do I the pleasure?" He teased when he turned to face his boyfriend. Oliver rolled his eyes and grabbed the slytherin by his robe sleeve before dragging him the way he had come from.

"You could tell me what's going on," Marcus grumbled while following his boyfriend along. He didn't get an answer straight away, instead he was pulled along, around corners into increasingly emptier corridors.

"Nothing is going on," Oliver said when he dragged them into an empty classroom. "Just haven't seen you yet today is all." Marcus smirked at him and wandered further into the room.

"Not true, we had transfiguration together," he told Oliver as he sat himself on a dusty desk.

"You know what I mean," Oliver said coming to sit beside him. Marcus smiled and wrapped an arm around Oliver's waist.

"How was your date last night?" He asked as Oliver rested his head on his shoulder. At the mention of his date with Percy the night prior his smiled only brightened.

"He went on and on and on about his assignments. Percy is so adorable at times. I most definitely spent more time watching him than the stars. It was also nice being able to talk to someone about all my quidditch plans without risking them being used against me in an upcoming match," he explained. Marcus found it sweet how much Oliver loved to talk about his dates, and found it utterly captivating to watch him talk. "What did you do last night then?"

"Homework, you know I haven't got much to do and no one worth hanging out with besides you," Marcus told him wondering if then would be an appropriate time to kiss Oliver's forehead.

"You really need to find more people to spend time with Mark," he reminded him. Marcus chuckled a little in response and kissed him on the forehead. Oliver let out a content sigh.

The pair sat cuddled on the desk. Enjoying the silence and the comforting weight of the other. Sharing the odd quick kiss and meaningless comments. Not that anything was pointless when it came to Oliver if you asked Marcus. He tried his hardest to remember everything the gryffindor told him.

Don't mess with His boyfriend's boyfriendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang