Chapter 2.

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It was around 9ish in the morning, Max was down in his lair, as Barb and Hank had gone out, with Billy and Nora, as for Pheobe? Well, she was in the living room sitting down onto the sofa while looking at a tv which was yet to be turned on.

Just then, the door opened Pheobe looked up, finding Cole walking towards her, her boyfriend.

Cole had already found out about them being Super-Heros, so he just lets himself in as he walked over to the front of the sofa and sat down next to his girlfriend, almost looking at her with consern.

"Hey Phebs! What up?" Cole asked, as Pheobe sighed.

"Hey Cole... nothing." Pheobe sighed, as Cole gave her the look, telling her silently that he would not believe that for a second, so she just told the truth, "It's Max."

"Max? What did he do this time. Put slime in your shampoo?" Cole said almost jokingly, but he turned worried after seeing Pheobe not smiling, laughing, just sitting there and looking off to the side.

"No... i-it's not that! Cole... I'm worried about him." Pheobe confessed, as Cole put an arm around her shouders, and nudged for her to continue.

"How come? Max is a playful praning master!" Cole said, as Pheobe shot forward and stood up.

"You don't get it! He isn't sleeping, I keep on seeing burises or something on his hands or arms, always hear shouting! And, even sometimes slap marks around his face. Cole, he isn't even calling me names!? He comes in, no pranks or anything, and sits down in his room! Even at school, he isn't social." Pheobe whisper shouted.

"Woah... that really isn't like him." Cole whispered, but instantly came alittle scared when he saw the realisation on his girlfriends face, which could only mean one thing. A plan.

"How about..." Pheobe said, starting to pace but then stopped infront of Cole and smirked at him, "You befriend Max, start hanging out, and keep an eye on him at school!" Cole instantly shook his hea and stood up.

"Babe, I can't do that! Levae me outta this." Cole said, as Pheobe gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Please Cole! Look, just for a week and plus you are in all of his classes!" Pheobe said, as Cole sighed.

"Fine!" Cole shouted, as Pheobe smiled and pushed him towards the stairs.

"I am going out with Cherry! He is down in his room." Pheobe said, as she then grabbed her bag and ran out of the door, closing it behind her, as Cole sighed and opened the door to Max room, other then the slide and walked down the stairs.

Cole came to the bottom of the stairs, finding Max fully awake and sitting on his desk chair, while on his phone, Cole thoough he saw some fear in his eyes as he cleared his throat, Max shot up as he quickly turned his phone off and stood up, but calming down when he saw Cole.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Cole said, as Max shrugged and looked off to the side.

"Nah, it's fine. Pheobe isn't down here, she should be up in her room, if not there then she has gone out with Cherry." Max said, as Cole kinda found it weird how he knew all of his family's places where they should be at a certain time.

"Nah, I think she has gone out? But, I got a taxi here, but they we're fully booked till 3:00, so I thought I would stick around. Hey, is this a rocket?" Cole asked, as he turned to the desk, Max standing up and walking over to it.

"Uhh, yeah I guess. It just needs some more stuff added to it, for it to stay up in the air to go upto the moon. Then, I can do a firework place up in space, it should be done in around tommorow night." Max explained, as Cole nodded to what he was saying and turned to Max, who had flopped onto his bed.

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