New Beginning

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(Welcome back mon ami! If you haven't read my first story please read it. If you don't everything else will be very confusing. The account is thetallmanbehindme)

Your POV:
Rasazy and I have been dating for a while now. Same with Y/c and Selever. Of course Ruv isn't very happy about the situation but Sarvente really is. The sad part is that Y/c is starting to like someone else. I'm the only one who knows about it obviously. I haven't told Sel or Rasazy about it and I feel terrible. I mean I guess it's a good thing considering if Rasazy and I got married then that wouldn't really work out for those two.

As I say in class I couldn't help but glance at Rasazy a couple times. Nah cause why is she so cute. I tapped my pencil on my notebook, spacing out. I should really pay attention though. I averted my eyes to look at Rasazy. I saw her turn her head quickly. We were now looking at each other. Rasazy flashed a smile and turned to face the front. I felt my face heat up. Oh my god man. I looked toward some girl who looked familiar picking at her skin. I tapped her desk with my pencil. She looked up. "Don't do that. It's bad for you." I said bluntly. Her eyes widened. "Y/n! It's you!" She whispered loudly.
"Ahem!" The teacher said loudly. "Is there something you want to say?" She lowered her voice. "No Ms." The girl's voice shook. "That's what I thought." The teacher shot a glare at her as she turned towards the board.
I turned to face the front until I heard the same voice. "Don't you remember? It's Alexa!" The girl whispered, more quiet this time. My eyes went wide. What the hell.
She's back!?

Last year, sophomore year, Alexa moved to a different state. Now we're in out Junior year of high school and what a surprise to know she's back.
Boy she has changed a lot.
She got a whole new style of clothing and dyed her hair black with green at the ends. It didn't fit at all. Out of all the styles she chose to be a goth. It didn't even match her personality! Speaking of the goths. There doing pretty good. Cassandra and Nene are still together. Alucard is doing good in school and Hanzou is the same as always. Y/c is doing good but still in love with someone else. Poor Selever. They both graduated high school. Surprised that they did. Y/c sucks ass at grammar and Selever just sucks at school. Rasazy and I on the other hand are doing great in school- "Y/n, are you paying attention? You're staring off into space!" The teacher slammed her ruler on her desk. I sighed, "Yes ma'am." She smiled. "Good, can you tell me the answer for the question on the board then?" I frowned. "= y ma'am." She stared at me and smiled again. "Correct, Y/n!"

I fucking hate this school.

Rasazy x Reader <3 part 2Where stories live. Discover now