003; they always say opposites attract

Start from the beginning

"No." Daniel shook his head, "just find someone random."

"But then there's no chemistry."

"There's no chemistry between me and Rosemary." Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, watching them all glance to him, "what?"

"They always say opposites attract." Jack mumbled with his eyebrows raised as Corbyn stared at him blankly, "Corbyn, you guys have been friends for years."

"She's perfect for this." Randy added on, "all you have to do is make it look like you guys date to the media.. that's all."

"There's no way she'll have time to do all this," he argued, "she time blocks her life, everything she does is in her calendar, she won't be able to fit in dating in the public eye."

"It's just spending the time being friends making it look exclusive," Daniel explained.

"Are you on my side or not?" Corbyn turned himself to the boy, "Rosemary is way too sweet for the media's opinions, I'm not letting that ruin anything."

"It's Rosemary or Franny," Randy told them both, "or we.. I don't know. I'm between those two."

"Daniel and Franny have loads of chemistry," Corbyn gestured to the boy, "I've seen edits of those two, people ship them like crazy."

"I still think someone random is better and will avoid any friendships falling apart," Jonah frowned, "I'll volunteer to fake date someone if you guys are that against it."

"I'm not against it, I'm against Rosy being involved."

"Okay, we won't involve Rosemary or Franny." Randy held his hands up in defeat, "I'll find someone random or someone who knows you guys."

"I'll do the fake dating thing," Corbyn shrugged, "just don't get my best friend involved as the fake girlfriend because she's got too many things to add this on with it."

"And I also don't want shit happening to her florist," he said with a more stern tone, "that's the thing she's most proud of, no one is touching that store."

"We get it." Zach nodded.

"No Rosemary, okay." Randy sighed, "I'll see who I can find."

"I can find someone if you-"

"No, no, I'll do it." Randy shook his head as he interrupted Corbyn's sentence, "I'll find someone and have a meeting with her tomorrow about it."

"...okay." The boy slowly nodded, "no Rosemary."

"I think he knows that." Jonah spoke up.

"No Rosemary." Randy repeated, "or Franny."

"Thank you." Daniel nodded.

As Randy gave them all a nod and small smile, he soon left the meeting room and left the five boys alone in their own space, who all collectively sighed before they turned to Corbyn.

"We know you have chemistry."

"We don't." He rolled his eyes, "and she's too busy for a fake date scheme."

"We never said we wanted that, we just know you two have chemistry." Jack shrugged, "opposites attract, she's the sweetest human ever and you're.. not so much that."

"Jack," Corbyn frowned, "I am sweet."

"Not as sweet as Rosy." Jonah argued, "I don't see you making five bunches of flowers all different colours to make everyone feel seen and loved."

"That was so nice." Daniel smiled, "I really loved my flowers."

"Honestly it made my day." Jack nodded with a smile growing on his face, "I felt so loved."

"I don't know how to make bunches of flowers." Corbyn folded his arms, "her business is all about that."

"Could've wrote a song about each of us." Zach suggested.

"Where there's a will, there's a way." Jack nodded.

"Does that even work in this context?" Daniel asked as he looked to the boy.

"I don't think so." Jack shrugged, "whoever he brings in, I hope she is nice."

"I'm not going to accept someone who acts stuck up, Jack." Corbyn shook his head, "I'll make sure she's nice before I agree to spend all my time with her."

"Now that is what a sweet person does." Jack smiled at him, "so nice of you."

"Bare minimum, really." Jonah shrugged with a small smile, "i'm kidding."


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