"Doie, pretty pretty Doie, please tell me you did not!" Ten said while reaching the taller's shoulder trying to pull him together.

"Ten, what should I do?!" Doyoung looked at Ten already teary and panicking and it's enough confirmation for Ten. And call him a bad friend but he just started laughing right there, infront of the panicking Doyoung. He could not help it. Finally, his perfectionist best friend did something so so stupid. He eventually stopped and started comforting Doyoung since he started hearing a nagging Taeyong in his head.

They went home right after Ten gave Mark one last scowl to which Mark only responded with hesitant wave and forced smile.

"So just let me get this straight, you left your phone in McDo and the cashier gave it to the person in the locksreen who happened to be your crush, the great Jeong Jaehyun?" Taeyong crossed his arms in front of Doyoung who's sulking in Yuta's shoulder.

The whole squad were in their apartment couple of minutes after they texted the matter in their squad group chat.

"Exactly, Yongie. I was so stupid. I was so dumb. Should I just accept the scholarship in France and start a new life?"

Doyoung found himself on the floor after Yuta pushed him. He felt several throw pillows hitting him from Ten and Taeyong.

"Don't you dare, Kim Doyoung. You hate that idea and we will never let you live a miserable life just because you cannot face your stupid crush!" Yuta said while trying to help Doyoung up and getting back on their old position while Taeyong picked up the pillows and arranged them perfectly on the couch again.

Ten still pouting.

"Alright alright! I already told you I don't wanna leave. So just help me think of an idea how to get it back." Doyoung said, comfortable in Yuta's shoulders again.

"Since you definitely don't want to face him. I will try to talk to him tomorrow since all captains will be having a meeting for the upcoming sports fest." Yuta assured Doyoung. And Doyoung sighed in relief.

"I know I can trust you, Yuta hyung!" Doyoung smiled widely and snuggled closer to Yuta.

"Alright, it's late. Enough cuddling with my boyfriend now when you two just interrupted our cuddling session with that message you sent." Taeyong smugly said.

The three knew Taeyong too well to know that there was no bite in his words. They all have been together since forever. Taeyong may even run to Doyoung even if Yuta's inside him if something happens to the other.

They all slept well that night. And yes, surprisingly Doyoung, too. Doyoung couldn't wait to have his phone back.

Doyoung did not have any afternoon classes and he tried his best to avoid any athletes (basketball team or not) in his morning classes. Just to make sure he wouldn't cross path with Jaehyun and he was successful.

He decided to just wait for his friends in their apartment for the whole afternoon while trying to finish some school and council works.

When he got everything done, including those which will due on the next 2 weeks, he started to re-watch his favorite One Piece episodes.

It was 5pm when he got bored eventually and decided to open his social media accounts on his MacBook, hoping for a message from his friends, especially Yuta.

And indeed there was a missed call from Yuta on his Instagram. He opened the conversation and hovered the cursor towards the video call button and tried to call the older back.

"Doieee I am glad you called back."
Doyoung can see Yuta wiping his face with a towel on the screen.

"I am sorry I was doing some work. Do you have my phone now, hyung?"

"That's the thing. Before I went to my last practice for the day, I saw Jaeh in the meeting room and talked to him about it. I did not even mention your name but apparently your IG username is on the lock screen display and he said and I quote 'If he wants his phone back, he should get it himself, he could at least do that.' So I called you earlier to tell you that so I won't have to go to your apartment."

Doyoung frowned. He did put his IG username on his lock screen so if ever he'll lost the phone, it will be easier to track the owner. It's just a small text and unnoticeable unless you'd really read everything on the screen.

"I got it from here, hyung. Thank you."

"I am quite close with Jaeh but if he will do you bad, I can kick him as hard as I kick soccer balls." Yuta assured him.

"I know hyung, don't worry. Don't forget Taeyong hyung's take out coffee on your way home."

"I got it, thank you Doie."

Doyoung hung up and minimized the app.

Lost and Found (JaeDo / DoJae)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu