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The school library at two in the morning had to be one of the best things you've ever experienced. Studying was not your forte, so finding a place that seemed to suit what time your motivation hit you was perfect. The quietness helped and the need of fighting someone for a certain book was not urged, you practically claim the halls of books as your own at this hour.

It was pure luck that the librarian was a friend of your parents that they let you in at such an ungodly hour. But that didn't exactly stop another student from invading your sacred place.

"Act number 3851.. The Revised Penal Code..." You recite by memory, planning to be familiar with the numbers along with the title, seeing as your professor was rather picky and wanted his students to be more familiar with the codes rather than the names.

"It's actually 3815, but you were pretty close." The man who just entered the library points out and you groan, having to share the space with one of the top students had to be some sort of blessing and curse all together.

Xavier, the student who became the 5th placer for the PhilSAT, has a knick of pissing people off by being insanely smart and still being charismatic outside classes, is the guy you're sharing your space with.

"Did you finish writing the constitution essay?" He asks, taking a hold on one of the rolling chairs as he takes up the desk near you. You shake your head. "I'm still halfway in my main argument, I have my beginning statement finished tho."

A notification pops up on your phone, the noise echoes through the empty library as you reach for the device and turn it on. It was your friend, and by the notification you could tell it's about her boyfriend once more. You lean your head back and groan, not wanting to listen to her gush about the boy again.

"Her again?" Xavier asks, amused. You huff and shut your phone off, clearly tired from the past hour of trying to memorize codes. "I don't wanna listen to her gush about him, it makes me feel more single than I already am." You moan, deciding to take a break as you stretch your arms. He laughs.

"Maybe get yourself a partner and you won't be groaning all the time." He teases, going through his papers. You exhaled, pouting. "I don't really have time for that, I have to study harder unlike you smart asses." You joke, standing up to stretch your legs before sitting back down your seat. Xavier stays quiet.

"I mean, there's a way you can experience dating while you keep your studies as your first priority." He mentions after you start writing on your notes for your homework, you turn your head to him in amusement before turning back to the paper. He takes it as a sign to continue.

He lets go of his pen. "..You know about the three month rule?" He asks, leaning onto his palm as you shake your head, jotting down your notes. "No."

He snorts "Seriously? You don't know?" He asks in disbelief, you catch on the amusement in his tone as you can only scoff. "I don't know, okay? What is it?" You asked to avoid the teasing.

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