Chapter 7: Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Start from the beginning

With all this in mind, I can't help but smile at their inspirational attitude towards this whole band thing. They have the power to inspire others to do great things as well, or motivate others so pursue a passion of theirs that they're unsure of. They can fulfill great things with what they're doing, not only for themselves, but for others too.

Although, with that being said, I just can't help but wonder...

[Y/N]: What's my star-beat?


As I got up and left my apartment, I pursued my usual route to school and stopped by the bakery for a snack.

Hopefully, this time, no one knocks it to the ground before I can even get a bite.

As I arrive, I push open the entrance door to the bakery and am greeted by the usual scene. I'm immediately noticed by Sāya upon my entrance, followed by a bright smile.

Sāya: Good morning, [Y/N]!

[Y/N]: Top of the morning to you, young Yamabuki. And... younger Yamabuki.

I say, turning towards the entrance to the kitchen, where I spot a small female individual, peeking through a small gap between the doors timidly, whom I presume is Sāya's little sister.

I give her a small wave, to which she closes the doors to hide her face, presumably too shy to communicate.

Sāya takes notice of this, and her expression shows signs of a sudden realization.

Sāya: Ahh, yeah, I guess you two haven't met yet, huh?

She then turns to the little girl and gestures her to come out.

Sāya: Come on out, Sana. Don't be shy.

The little girl, whose name is apparently Sana according to Sāya, peeks out a little bit, however, not moving an inch. She stares at us nervously.

Sāya: It's okay, don't worry. He won't bite.

Sāya turns to look at me.

Sāya: Right?

She asks, as if to confirm her claim.

[Y/N]: Yeah, I'm not-- wait, what?

Sāya quietly giggles before turning back to Sana.

Sāya: See? It's okay.

Sāya smiles at her little sister reassuringly.

Sana takes one more glance at me before reluctantly coming out and slowly making her way to Sāya's side. She grabs onto Sāya's arm and slightly hides behind her back, which I found to be quite adorable.

Sāya: [Y/N], this is my little sister. Why don't you introduce yourself?

Sāya says, turning back to her sister with a warm smile. The little one looks up at her big sis before looking towards me nervously.

Sana: H-Hi... M-My name is... Sana... I-It's... nice to meet you...

She says in a very hushed tone, but audible enough for me to make out. Her cuteness is enough to form a bright grin on my face.

[Y/N]: Hi, Sana. I'm [Y/N]. It's nice to meet you too.

I beam at her and hold out my hand for her to shake.

She just looks at me and further hides behind Sāya's back, which I was kind of expecting.

[Y/N]: It's alright. I'm a nice guy. Promise.

I give her a reassuring smile. Eventually, she come out of her hiding spot and slowly reaches for my hand. I gently grab hers with only my index finger and my thumb, and I lightly shake it.

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