Start from the beginning

Karn snapped,"I know but can't you shut up?! Didn't you saw me taking permission from king?? And here, I heard everyone saying Gandhar people are intelligent. Ridiculous!!"

Ashwathama and Duryodhan had their eyes fixed in the ceiling pressing their lips tightly not to let out their laughter on seeing the dumbfounded reaction of Shakuni. Anuvindha converted his laugh into cough when he saw his mamashree glaring at him.

Within few minutes, The sabha was blessed with guilty Yudhishthir and Sahadev, and fuming other Pandavas. Yudhishthir politely folded his hands saying,"We apologize for not attending the sabha, Maharaj" Karn glared at him sharply asking,"Will your apology shall get the time we wasted before, waiting for you??"

Bheem, Arjun and Nakul dropped their fuming faces to neutrality hearing the sharp voice of Vasusen echoing the sabha. Karn's eyes looked at Sahadev asking,"I thought you know all the rules and regulations little Pandav! Don't you know you should not ignore the sabha? What if I cunningly did something that made your share from Hastinapur to take with me. Will you be happy??"

Sahadev was highly embarassed, but he know he is helpless. He said,"I'm sorry, but Bhrata ordered me not to go. I'll not disrespect him. But I apologise on behalf of them as well as me!" Vasusen raised his eyebrows at the Little Pandav. He asked,"So, if your brothers ask you to misbehave with a girl, will you do that??"

Arjun shouted,"We will not ask him to do that!!" Karn silenced the boy before him with a single look. He coldly stated,"Didn't I include 'if' in that sentence, third Pandav?? Should I spell letter by letter to you??" Nakul gritted his teeth asking,"Are you purposefully dissing us?? Just because we announced the truth that you're just a sut??!"

Vasusen gave one sharp glare to the daring boy. He tilted his head arrogantly asking,"You have to realise that you're just a mere Prince but I'm the soon-to-be king of two powerful kingdoms. If I want you as a slave, then I can do it. Even if your king begged me to leave you, I'll not. Rather, I'll drag you by your hair through the streets of Hastinapur without any mercy. Do you want to witness my ruthless side now??"

Everyone in the sabha held their breath at the cold announcement. It seems like Vasusen was not joking. He looked around the sabha asking,"Does anyone have any problem with me or my caste? Stand up and face me. Gandharraj, Any problem??" Shakuni gulped saying,"No no... I d-dont have any problem!!"

Vasusen sneered at his pathetic stuttering before looking at Pandavas sarcastically asking,"Should I take Arti for 5 of you to make you sit down?" Pandavas scurried towards their seats. Vasusen rubbed his forehead in frustration but said,"Negotiate Mahamantri!! I'm not in the mood to talk!!"

Gangaputr Bheeshma and Guru Dronacharya looked at Vasusen with wide eyes. They literally saw the habits of their Gurudev in the boy. Like rubbing his forehead, scratching the stubble, (in case of Gurudev, he'll always stroke his beard), playing with the quill and stroking his throat with thumb to calm himself down. They looked away so that they will not remember the man who taught them almost everything. But Still they couldn't help but feel jealous over the fact that Vasusen was more closer to Lord Parashuram than them.

Mahamantri Vishwanantha politely nodded his head towards his Maharaj before standing up straight and announcing,"On behalf of our Maharaj Karn, who recently captured the two most wealthiest kingdoms of Aryavart also captured Ang due to the way bandits disturbed nearby tribal people who are in our regions. Thus, blinded by concern of the people, our Maharaj took a very impulse decision of capturing Ang from Kurus. I as Mahamantri of Magatha and Champa politely request Kurus to accept back Anga as it is not our intention to capture it. We want Hastinapur as Ally not as enemies. Great day everyone!!"

Saying so, Mahamantri sat down while Karn announced,"So this is my negotiation Maharaj. It's in your hands to accept or leaving it completely. There is no problem for us. But we reformed Ang too. If you're planning to take it, I'll not be always calm and composed if again our tribes are attacked. Ang will face series of destruction then.."

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