Chapter 9 MAMA GREY

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Meet Fifty Shades Continued

Chapter 9

I wake up and stretch contentedly, feeling refreshed. Looking at the time, I'm surprised to realize that after I came back to bed last night with Anastasia, I have slept deeply for several hours. So it seems it's not just a one off fluke that I sleep really well when she's in my bed. I frown as I reach over and realize that she's gone, but as I can hear noises coming from the vicinity of the kitchen, I relax as I guess she's making some breakfast.

In any case, I've instructed Taylor to intercept her and alert me if he sees via the security CCTV that she's attempting to leave unaccompanied. As he has full responsibility for all security, he is always fully apprised with details of any guests overnighting in my apartment - it's a very rare occurrence. Of course as I told her yesterday, Ana is free to leave whenever she wishes, but I don't want her running without the chance for me to talk to her, to try and change her mind.

As I get out of bed and throw back the covers, I notice again the blood stain on the sheets. It brings to mind how in olden times, proof of a woman's virtue on her wedding night was a prized possession, a trophy even. Mrs Jones will no doubt see the bloodstain too, and maybe think that I've stooped to a new level of depravity by deflowering a young virgin in my bed. But having worked for me for the last few years, Gail knows that whatever goes on in my apartment is always completely consensual. I don't think either she or Taylor would be prepared to work for me if it was any other way, however much I paid them, although I know it's always possible to employ staff that would be prepared to turn a blind eye.

But evidence of sexual activity in my bed it will be a first, and she will no doubt be curious. However, she won't make any comment to me - that's why she and Taylor have worked for me for as long as they have. Discrete. Loyal. Efficient. Trustworthy. Good at keeping their mouths shut and not speaking out of turn. These are all essential attributes required by my inner sanctum of staff. Being as close as they are, Gail and Jason will no doubt discuss it between themselves and probably feel sorry for the girl in question, but they know me well enough to understand that I would never have forced her to do anything against her will.

I make my way to the kitchen, then quietly sit down to watch Anastasia, finding myself mesmerized.

She is dancing her way round the kitchen as she's mixing something in a bowl under her arm. She's wearing the white shirt I discarded last night - with nothing on underneath I realize, as she reaches up into the cupboard, and I see one of her delicious cheeks peeking out. She looks very young, very cute, and sexy as hell.

I can see she's got headphones in, so I assume she's listening to an iPod. She's also singing along, in a sweet little voice. It's obviously a song she knows very well, and from the emphasis she's putting into the lyrics, one that seems to resonate pretty strongly with her.

So you think you got it all worked out...
You got your hot pants on, you got your arse right out...
Think that you are something new and special...
Me and my drab dress we don't do at all...
I spent so long trying to fit the prototype...
I don't care...anything you can do I can do better...
All you girls, you look and flip your hair, you wonder why I'm still here...
So you've got your little groups and gangs...well I don't wanna be in that've got the wrong girl...coz I'll be flying higher
You're superficial, I'm a what we don't look the same...
You're superficial, I'm a misfit...
But that's okay...

Hmm, fascinating. Amy Studt's 'Misfit' if I'm not mistaken. Is that how she sees herself, as someone who doesn't fit in? I recall some of the intimidating gangs of girls from college, all superficially pretty in a blonde and tanned way and so fucking bitchy. Maybe they're the type Ana is thinking about. I must have a look through her playlist, see if I can pick up any other clues about her from her choices. She is so shy and self contained that I find it difficult to read her, although sometimes I think I can second guess what she's thinking.

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