Between 2020 To 2022.

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Jackson has been traveling between LA and Seoul. It wasn't too long ago when he was finally back in Korea to be with his brothers. He was excited to see them since it has been almost two years since he got to see them in the flesh.

He knew fully well that all of them were busy with their solo work but he did miss them so much. His life in China wasn't the same with him seeing them every 6-7 months a year. Don't get him wrong, he loves that he is back home with his parents but it was different. There was stuff that he couldn't share with them. Worries that he couldn't discuss with them. Feelings that he couldn't tell them. For him, no one would understand except for one person. The one who has been healing his mind all these years. But now, it is different. He couldn't just reach out to him like it used to be. Not after what happened between them.

Flashback to March 2020, Jackson released LMLY and the music video was inspired by an old Hong Kong movie, In The Mood For Love, his best friend's favorite movie.

"Hey, have you seen it?"

"Yeah. I love the song! I can't stop listening to it."

"How about the MV? Did you like it?"

"Of course, Seunie! I love it. Wasn't it based on my favorite movie?"

"Yeah. It was. And I'm glad you liked it." Jackson paused, and quietly mumbled "It makes me happy."

Jinyoung smiled then leaned his head on his hand, and tilted his head, "Are you really glad I liked it? Does it even matter if I liked it or not? What matters is you liked the outcome of your MV."

Jackson copied what Jinyoung did, making him closer to the younger one, "Well, yeah, I am really glad you liked it because..." He paused which made Jinyoung raise his eyebrows waiting for Jackson to continue.

"Because...? Because what Seun-ah?" Jinyoung asked when the older one didn't continue.

Jackson pretended that he didn't hear what the man in front of him asked, instead he asked, "Why do you love In The Mood For Love so much?"

Jinyoung gave him the sweetest smile, "Ah, it's unrequited love at its finest. The leads are in the mood for love but it's the wrong time and wrong place. Like they had the right love but at the wrong know, what I meant?"

Jackson nodded. He did know what he meant. He felt it every time he was with his best friend. That feeling he had but he knew that he shouldn't be feeling that way what could he do to stop it? It wasn't his fault that one day he woke up and started looking at his friend differently. A romantic way. A feeling that he wanted to just put aside for the sake of friendship.

"Seun-ah?!? Are you listening?" Jinyoung's voice snapped Jackson's thought bubbles.

"Jinyoung-ah, you know I always...always listen to you."

"Oh really? Are you sure about that?"


"So, if I tell you to spend your birthday with me this year, would you do it?"

"That's not fair, Jinyoung-ah. You know I can't do that? My mom told me to be in China before my birthday. I can't go against her and I know you don't want me to disobey her."

Jinyoung laughed at how serious Jackson was, "I am kidding, Seun-ah. I know. I don't want mom to be mad at me either."

"You know that I want to spend my birthday with you...if it's up to me." Jackson sounded so apologetic.

"Seun-ah, I was just teasing you....but can we spend time before you leave?"

"Of course! When do you want it? What do you want to do?"

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