SIMMONS: Oh, well, while you're in there, grab some more diazepam for Hannah. She may need to be more heavily sedated. And the prank needs more work, as well.

Gamora: Yes sedate her more that will get the girl to trust you

She rolled her eyess

FITZ: I know. I'm trying different things. It's the timing that matters, Simmons. Skye can't suspect a thing.

Loki: Ahhhh pranks... mischief

INT: a hallway on the Bus. Fitz is carrying the gas mask. He opens a door.

FITZ (to himself): Oh. Couplings. Couplings, couplings. Yes.

Fitz enters the room and sets down the mask. He opens up a drawer and looks through things.

FITZ: Actually... Oh.

Fitz takes something out from the drawer. He picks up the gas mask as well and studies it.

FITZ: Now, this I could use.

Peter: There we go, now you are thinking.

Fitz grabs the mop.

FITZ: All I need now is a little bit of twine and an unsuspecting victim.

As Fitz is talking, we can see the figure from before behind Fitz. When Fitz turns around to leave the closet, the figure is gone, and the hallway is empty.

Strange: Well that is great

Rhodey: That plane is definitely haunted 

Clint: Ghost are real.... that is my worst fear

FITZ: Oh, that's fantastic, that is.

INT: the lab on the Bus. Simmons is looking at the 3D model.

SIMMONS: Well, that's odd.

Simmons spins the model around and zooms in on one particular area of the explosion. Her eyes widen.

SIMMONS: My god. Fitz, look at this. What are we seeing here?


Steve: Language

Now we get a better view of what she’s looking at. It appears to be some sort of alien landscape complete with some sort of large moon or sun above it.

SIMMONS: It's as if the explosion tore open some sort of window to —

When a male voice—not Fitz, Ward, or Coulson—speaks, Simmons turns around. We know, from Skye's looking at the article, that Simmons is facing the deceased Tobias Ford.

TOBIAS: To hell.


People jump out of there seats except for the spies minus Clint




Yelena just burst out laughing at everyone being scared

Tobias swings a wrench down at Simmons. [Tobias grunts] Simmons ducks out of the way; the wrench smashes into the holocom.

Peter: Watch out

[Simmons screaming] Simmons falls to the ground and tries to scurry away from Tobias. Her back hits some drawers on a desk. When she looks around, Tobias is gone.

Wanda: This is intense

Natasha: I love this

Coulson rushes in. [Simmons panting]

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