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Nix had left over an hour ago, I was beginning to worry. She shouldn't be out this long, given the circumstance. I understand that she needed to get her brother over here, but I need her to be safe. Call me selfish, but our kids need her too. I need her. I told her to let me go. She wouldn't have it. She insisted on going herself. I had to find something to busy myself until she got home.

"Bro, chill. Nix can handle this easy enough. She will be back, and she will have Austin right behind her." Willie broke me from worried trance.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. But I feel like no one is taking this seriously. This is the end. I don't ever want my wife and kids to have to go out and encounter something like those things out there!" No sooner did I finish talking did I hear a loud crash outside.

Willie and I ran to the window and peered out into the dark. It had started pouring down rain, making it difficult to see past the garden by the siding of the house. I could just barely see an orange tinted light glowing just past the street. I squinted hard to see what it was.

It was a fire. Someone had wrecked a truck into the house next door and started a fire. "Where's the driver?" I asked confused. He was nowhere near the wreck and now that the fire was big and fighting the rain, I could see that the truck was empty. The more I thought about it the more I realized that no one had run from the house yet either. "Should we go help?"

"No, like you said, the driver is missing. What if he's been turned and is chowing down somewhere out of sight." Willie made a whole lot of sense.

"Nix!" I yelled. "She should be back soon, and she might get hurt if this guy is turned outside somewhere. We need to warn her." I rushed to the phone and dialed her cell. It rang for what seemed like ages.

"Hey this is Nix; you know what to do." I had gotten her voicemail.

"Nix, be safe. There is a bad wreck outside, and the driver is gone. We aren't sure but he may have turned." I warned and hung up. "I'm going to try Austin's home phone."

It didn't even ring. The dial tone was gone. The line was dead. What could this mean? It was storming outside, maybe that was causing issues. I noticed the television had gone silent, so I looked over and realized it was just static. The connection was down for everything, I tried the radio and nothing. I wonder if the dish was damaged outside somehow. Could it have been a bolt of lightning? 

A loud thud sounded at the back door. I had left the curtains drawn for some warm sunlight earlier and just didn't close them. I wish I had now. I could now see the silhouette of a man in my back yard. 

He was limping and kept bumping into my glass door. I crept close and threw the light switch up. I gasped in shock at the pale man staring right through me. His eyes were pale and cloudy. Willie ran to the door and yanked the curtains shut. 

"Get away from this room and let's make sure all the doors and windows are shut. We will have to watch the yard from the rooms upstairs. We can figure out how to warn Nix when she gets here." he whispers to me and immediately moves about the house, grabbing up supplies and checking the windows. I followed his lead and checked the doors as I grabbed up the blankets, we pulled from the closet earlier. 

"Should we bring the candles too? Just in case?" Willie asked, moving to get them from the drawer. 

"Yes, it would be good idea to be prepared for a power outage. Besides candlelight is less attracting to the zombies outside." He followed me upstairs after turning the lights out. 

The kids were surprisingly fast asleep. I managed to keep them away from the live tv and the windows. I also made sure no one said anything to them about what was going on. I want to keep them calm as long as I can.

I truly hope this doesn't go like every movie, book or game we've ever seen about zombies. I truly hope this is a short-term problem. 

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