"No, no, too English," John said. "It'll suit you more."

As the came to the horses, Sherlock reached out and took Y/N's hand. She could tell that he was tense. Her brows furrowed as she glanced over at him. He had a straight face.

"Black one is yours," Simza told John. "Gray one is mine. The brown one is Y/N's. And this is for you." Sherlock's hand gripped Y/N's tighter.

"Um... hmmm. Right," Sherlock hummed. "Where are the wagons?"

"The wagon is too slow. Can't you ride?"

"It's not that he can't ride," John answered. "How is it you put it, Holmes?"

"They're dangerous at both ends and crafty in the middle," Sherlock responded. "Why would I want anything with a mind of its own bobbing about between my legs?"

Y/N bit back a scoff. "Sherlock, you're scared of horses?" She questioned.

"I'm—It's not—" The feeling of Y/N's lips against his cheek stopped his stammering.

"It's okay. I like knowing that the great detective has a fear."

"Hmm. I shall require a bicycle, thank you very much. It's 1891. Could've chartered a balloon."

Sherlock released Y/N's hand and walked away. Simza turned towards John and Y/N.

"How can we make this more manageable?" John asked.

Y/N sighed slightly and turned to glance back at Sherlock. "I think I have an idea," she said. "Just get yourselves situated and I'll deal with Holmes."

John gave Y/N a nod before she headed over to Sherlock. He was facing away from the group, smoking a pipe.

"Have you come to tell me that a balloon or a bike is on its way?" Sherlock asked.

"No," Y/N replied. "I've come to tell you that the fastest way to Germany right now is by horse. And we need to get there quickly."

"I understand that. But I will not get there on a horse."

"Sherlock, you have no other option." He sighed slightly, reached out, and took one of his hands. "Would you feel better if you rode with me?" She began rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb. "I know I would."

Sherlock took his pipe out of his mouth with his free hand. He glanced passed Y/N at the horses. He really didn't enjoy the idea of riding those beasts, but if he had a chance to have his arms around Y/N. It would be completely worth it.

"And you would be in control of the thing?" Sherlock wondered.

"Yes," she smiled, "you would have to ride behind me. Would that be okay?"

"My dear," he pulled her in, "I don't think you understand what that would do to me." His face was right in front of hers, almost teasingly so.

She inhaled sharply, her body itching to be closer to Sherlock. To be touching... skin to skin. "I think I have any idea..."

His lips quirked up slightly. "Hmm." Sherlock leaned in and kissed Y/N softly.

"We've got to go," Y/N said against Sherlock's lips.

"Yes, we do." He kissed her again.

Y/N smiled as she pulled back, still holding his hand. "Let's go meet the horse." Y/N squeezed his hand as she led him to the horse. "Here," she changed her grip on his hand so that she was holding his wrist. She guided his reluctant hand onto the horse. He kept his hand in one place. "You know, horses can sense fear."

"I'm not scared."

"Sure." She nodded, unbelieving. "Now, are you going to help me on or do I need to help you?"

Sherlock put his pipe in his mouth and his hands quickly found Y/N's hips. She inhaled sharply at the way her body was reaching to his hands on her kips. He lifted her up and allowed her to get situated on the horse before putting his pipe away and timidly getting on behind her. Sherlock's arms snaked around Y/N's waist as she took the reins. Y/N bit her lip at the sensation of Sherlock up against her, holding her close. Sherlock could tell what the closeness was doing to Y/N, it was doing similar things to him as well. He leaned forward and put his mouth near her ear.

"Is this okay?" He asked.

"It's... fine," she breathed out. "Perfectly fine."

"Let's head out!" Simza ordered the group.

Y/N signaled for her horse to move and followed behind John. As soon as the horse began moving, Sherlock's grip tightened around her.

"You sure you're not scared?" She teased.

"Not with you with me, darling," he replied.

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