Schnappter One

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🌻dalia schnapp🌻

The sound of a ringing school bell is music to my ears. Sophomore year is over. A nice relaxing 10 weeks of sleeping in, friends, basketball, drumming, learning Greek, reading, and journaling without the distraction that is school. Today it was all going to start. Some friends and I are  hanging out at my house to start off the summer and have a picnic on the hills. 

First we have Carmen. Carmen and I have been besties since second grade. We have the same birthday, we celebrate mine the weekend before and hers the weekend after. She is Rachel. She likes shopping, walks on the beach, and guys with red flags. Her current boyfriend has already graduated and none of us approve of them. People talk sh*t but she don't listen. I associate her with the song 'Midnight Memories' by One Direction. 

Next we have Kaiya. Kaiya and I have been friends since fourth grade, after she moved to nyc with her family and her best friend Zia. Kaiya is the nicest person you would ever meet, she is definitely the mom friend. She is Phoebe. She likes talking to animals, babysitting, and butterflies. I associate her with the song 'Treat People With Kindness' by Harry Styles.

I just mentioned her, so next we have Zia. Zia has had a complicated family life. She grew up in an abusive household up until she was 8, then put in a few different foster homes, at age 10 she got adopted by her best friend Kaiya's family because Kaiya had always been with her through everything, then they both moved to nyc in fourth grade. Zia and I have also been friends since fourth grade. She is Joey. She likes sunsets, singing, Reeno,  and the sound of laughter. I associate her with the song "Nothing New" by Taylor Swift. 

It's time for Elliot. We've been friends since seventh grade. He is the youngest. He likes poetry, picnics, and Kaiya. However, Kaiya doesn't seem to notice yet, but everyone else can. He is Ross. I associate him with "Sweet Creature" by Harry Styles. 

I guess it's Jayden's turn. We've been friends since fifth grade. He was my first big crush that I didn't just keep to myself, and he ended up liking me back. He likes football, my dogs, and making people laugh. He is Chandler. I associate him with the song 'Boyfriends' By Harry Styles. 

Lastly we have me. I've been trying to start liking myself since third grade. I like Taylor Swift, journaling, and sleeping. I am Monica. I have good grades, younger twin siblings, and an obsession with a boy brand that have been on a longer break than it was supposed to be. I like to think of myself as the song "Afterglow" by Taylor Swift. 

That's my friend group, we gave ourselves the name of the central perk friend group. They are also most of the important people in my life at the moment. There are a few other people, but we'll get to them later. 


"See you guys in a couple hours." I said as I was walking to the car parking lot. I started to drive Noah and Chloe to and from school when I got my license. They were only in 8th grade but the middle school was connected to where the high school was and only started a half hour later and got out a half hour later so I picked them up every day. I was the family chauffeur. Carmen started to walk to a different part of the lot where I was Daxton was standing. Daxton's Carmen's boyfriend who just graduated. He likes partying, drinking, manipulating, mansplaining, gaslighting (not in the girlboss way) and cheating on his past girlfriends. Instead of associating him with a song, I associate him with a person. J*ke Gyll*nh**l. 

"Where are you going?" I asked Carmen, since she was supposed to be coming home with me today.

"Oh, Daxton said he really missed me and couldn't bare to start off the summer without me, so I'm going to be at his house for a few hours, but I'll still make it to yours. 

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