Getting along.

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Few weeks after last chapter...

Y/n's POV

After a few days (more like 2 weeks) of trying to convince him to let me walk around the house, he let me. He untied the ropes on my hands. He asked to pick me up, I nodded. He picked me up and we walked to his living room, he sat me down on the couch and told me to take my time to try and walk. As I got up to try to walk, I almost fell, my legs felt so weak. I hadn't walked in almost a month.

Ghost face reached out his hand. I grabbed it. He led me yo his kitchen and made his way back to the living room. After a while I got the hang of it. I let go of him, and said "YES, I can finally walk" out loud without meaning too. I felt my cheeks get hot. He chuckled at what I said. He began to speak once again "Hey don't even try to escape. If you do, will probably make it out alive but don't think your gonna be completely untouched."

I nodded and said "You think I wanna go back to that shit hole? People think I'm dead, and my friends moved away..." He shrugged his shoulders and just turned away. 'Oh...did he really just leave me alone? This guy really has trust.' I thought. I made my way to the kitchen. I looked through the cabinets to try and find something to cook but all I found was cereal.

I went back up stairs and went into the room that had my belongings. The door was open so I didn't think anything of knocking before i went in. As I walked into the room and turned my head and saw Ghostface changing. I felt as my face heat up.

He turned his head, feeling my presence. We made eye contact, or I think we did, you can't really tell when he has a mask on. I apologized for walking in and quickly made my way out. I went into the restroom and stared into the mirror. I poured water on my face and thought 'OMFG Y/N PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, YOU CANT FALL FOR HIM HE IS A KILER AND YOU HAVENT EVEN SEEN HIS FACE."I mentally screamed and turned to the towel. I grabbed it and dried my face with it.

When I got out ghost face was waiting right outside the door for me. He said "Liked what you saw?" he said chuckling. I walked right past him. All of the sudden I felt someone pull me back. "Uh can I touch you rq?" he said gently. I nodded in confusion. His hands were wrapped around my waist. I felt your face heat up again, he then said "You know I was kidding doll." he said chuckling once again. he grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes.

He spoke up again and said "Aww..come on don't ignore me.." in a fake sad voice  I thought about it for a second and sighed "Its fine..-"(this was edited and changed so it you see comments ant something else thats why😭)I said in defeat. It was obvious that ghost face was smirking behind his mask. He then let me go and walked away.

"Hey uh wait..!" i said, he turned his face towards me. "Oh never mind i forgot.." I said since I didn't wanna bother him. "I know you remember, what's wrong..?" he said gently. "Uh its nothing really..." he was getting frustrated trying to make me say what I needed. "Alright, fine he said grumpily and walked into his room shutting the door. I walked into his room again after him, this time there was no sign of ghostface. I sighed feeling like an idot, I went through my bag and found a bag of chips. I grabbed them and sat down on the bed.

I ate half of them and put them back in in the bag. I decided to dye my hair a different color..after all it was so no one found me...yet again even if they did. They probably wouldn't suspect I killed my family. They would think they died tragically in a fire. I decided to dye it even if Ghostface doesn't let me out. I took a few hours in the bathroom dying my hair washing it, cleaning the tub etc. After I was done, I walked downstairs where I found him on the couch laying down on his phone.

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