Hitching a Ride

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I walked out until I found a deserted road, and walked along it until an old car pulls up alongside me. Two college frat boys sit in the front seats, they reek of alcohol, more specifically cheap beer. "Need a ride?" 


"Hop on in." The one nearest me says and I go to open the backdoor of the car, to which they roll the car forwards, and I simply stand there. I walk forwards, yank the door open, and grab the side of the car, along with the inside of the door, and launch myself into the backseat.

I sit silently, all while they make jokes about how strange I look and that I look like a freak and a ghost. That is, until they see their next victim. A small man, certainly taller than I, with black hair and a limp. He's wearing a tattered suit, and seemed fairly injured. 

"Pull over. Help him." I sternly direct them.

They do so, but pull the same trick they pulled on me, on the injured man. 

"Stop. Let him in." I sigh, clearly agitated. 

They finally let him in, and I silently apologized for their shitty behavior. He smiles at me, before turning back to the two boys in the front of the car. I look out the window, and tune out their conversation, until I hear one of the boys say something very stupid.

"Has anyone ever told you, when you walk, you look just like a penguin?" I turn to look at the raven haired man beside me and notice his expression darken.

"No, no I have not." He sneers.

"Yeah, and the freak sittin' next to you looks like like- Jack Frost or some shit bro. Fuckin' weirdos."

My heart stopped when they mentioned me. A sudden pulse in my head and I knew a person other than the increasingly more intimidating man was seated beside me. I glanced next to me, and sure enough, an inky, creature was sat next to me, it's hand reached toward my face just as the man lunged forwards, I screamed as the creature's hand grazed my face sending me into a nightmare, my eyes shut, and I was back in the orphanage. The windows of the orphanage rattled. I knew what memory it was exactly. The boys of the orphanage were running up the stairs, the door slams open, the wood crashing against the wall. 

"Hey Jack Frost!"

"Stop it."

"Jack Frost, Jack Frost." on and on they chanted. They never did seem to stop, the ring of small boys closed in on me, and everything faded back. 

My eyes opened, and the car stopped. "I spared you. I could've killed you, but I didn't. You have a history of bullies too, don't you." The man, who was now seated in the front of the vehicle spoke. 

I nod my head, and he gets out of the car, going to talk to a grimy looking man outside. I re-evaluate my surroundings, and see my mother sitting there, on top of a body bag. Her dull eyes seemed to stare right through me, but I've gotten used to seeing her like that. I knew she was staring directly at me. Her clothes were white, spotless. They were the same all white clothes that the people at 'Nowhere' gave me. The same as usual. 

"That's... some chair you're on, huh Delta..." I laugh nervously. 

She nods, "That man is dangerous... He kills people. He hunts for power." her wispy voice echoes in my brain, causing a shiver to roll down my spine. I will never get used to these visions speaking in my brain.

After the injured man drives us down the road to a small campervan that would just barley fit  us. "My name is Oswald, by the way. Pleasure to meet you. Although, I do wish it was in better circumstances. I have suffered a setback but I will soon be back and better than ever." He smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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