Chapter 4

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                She reached her hand into the jar that held all of the boys names. I was about to find out who my partner would be. I kept my fingers crossed and prayed that it wouldn't be Camilo. It was bad enough for the family to lose one member but two? That would send the family into an insane mental state.
"And our male tribute is.... Camilo Madrigal!"
                WHAT!?!? This can't be right. There were a ton of names in there and any one of them could've been picked. I saw Camilo walking up looking extremely glum when we heard a voice from the crowd.
"I'll take his place. I volunteer as tribute." the voice said.
                The kids standing moved out of the way and I saw him. He was a tall guy with dark brown hair and dirty blond streaks. He looked about my age. The peacekeepers took Camilo off the stage and the boy who took his place stood next to me.
"We can't lose two Madrigals now can we." He said with a weak smile.
"Yeah I guess we can't" I said in return.
"Wonderful, wonderful. Now what's you name young man?" Claudia asked in the enthusiastic tone that was starting to get on my nerves.
"Arturo García."
"Well Arturo we sure are happy to have you."
                She was way to happy about this. I turned to Camilo and he looked shocked. He was probably not happy about being chosen but I got the feeling he and Arturo knew each other. Maybe they were friends. I saw him hang around with a group of kids in town a lot and he did look a bit familiar. I didn't give it too much thought though cause after she announced our names, there were peacekeepers leading us towards the Justice building. Claudia was following behind.
"So are you ready?" asked Arturo.
"Not really, but I guess it was my fault for getting chosen."
"Why's that?"
"I signed up for tesserae so my family wouldn't starve. My name was in there about 11 times."
"Oh I see."
"At least my family won't starve right?"
"They're very lucky to have you Mirabel."
                After that little awkward conversation we were lead away into separate rooms. I sat down on the couch and to my surprise it felt nice. I guess I haven't felt anything like this in a long time it was strange but comforting somehow. All of a sudden my mom and dad burst through the door. My mom was crying like crazy and my dad was also crying but not as hard.
"Why did you sign up for tesserae mí amor? You should have let Camilo get us some." said my pa softly.
"I'm sorry but I didn't want to risk him getting in. It was my decision dad."
"You're a great cousin Mira. We all were lucky to have you in our family."
Were. He didn't say we are. He said we were. I guess even the family doesn't think I'll come back. I just looked down and said nothing while the peacekeepers took my parents away. I hoped that was all the visits I would get but no. Next was Luisa then Dolores. After them it was Tia Pepa, Tio Felix, and Antonio. Antonio gave me a sad look and I promised him I would try to win. Just like I did that night he was crying in bed. After they left it was my Tio Bruno's turn.
"Hola mi cariña" he said in a soft tone.
"Hi Tio"
"I just wanna say one thing, do your best to come back to us ok? Even when the arena seems to put you at your worst know that we're watching and supporting you throughout the whole thing. We are all very lucky to have you and we can't lose you now."
"I will Tio, I will."
He said are. Everyone else said were but he said are. He has at least some home for me. This made me have hope for the last two visits. Isabella and, Camilo.

If Mirabel was in the Hunger Games (Abandoned & Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now