chapter 2: power of the mind

Start from the beginning

"Luna, do your thing" you said, she stood Infront of the cave and used her echolocation and led you both through the cave, "wow how is she doing that?" asked Denki.

"night furies has the ability to use sound waves to find the location of certain things or even give a road map so they don't get lost, they had to develop this because their natural habitat is caves" you answered, he found this really cool, "damn, so she can basically do what you do?" he asked, you laughed and shook your head, "haha not quite, the only thing that I can do is make quiet noises louder and tune into random sounds and merge two sounds together to make white noise" you explained.

"wow that is really cool!" he said making you smile, eventually Luna led you both to a cavern with a hot springs inside, "hah, I knew I should bring some swimming gear!" you celebrated, Denki laughed and hugged you from behind, "so what do you think?" he asked, you held onto his arms and rested onto him, "I love it" you said making him smile/

"do you want me to step out so you can get changed or are you ok?" he asked, you thought to yourself for a moment, "umm, you can stay, I don't mind" you said, he looked down at you surprised, "are you sure?" he asked making sure you are absolutely positive.

"yeah, I'm sure" you said, he blushed and you walked over to Luna and she spread her wings to cover you whilst you got changed, Denki instantly looked disappointed when she closed her wings, "hahaha, deceived!" you said laughing, he laughed and grabbed onto your waist, you smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you babe, you look amazing" he complimented making you blush.

"you go in and I'll get changed ok?" he said, you nodded your head and went over to the hot springs and slowly entered, "haaaa" you said whilst climbing in, Denki looked over to you confused, "It's really hot" you clarified making him laugh.

"why don't you wait for me and I'll help you get in" he said taking off his shirt, you laughed and hugged him, "you mean you'll carry me in" you said looking up at him making him laugh, you sat on a rock waiting for him and once he was done he held out his hand and you took it, "come on baby, I've got you" he said comfortingly, you smiled and you stepped in with him.

once you were both in you snuggled up to him, he put his arm around you and rested his head on yours, the heat starts to lull you to sleep, "hey, don't fall asleep on me babe, you look cute when you do but I like talking to you" he said nudging you a little, you smiled and sat up.

"ok fine, I'll stay awake" you moaned making Denki laugh, he pulled your head closer so that he could kiss it, you smile at him and kiss his cheek, "I love you babe" he said followed by a smile, you smiled at him and leaned down to snuggle back into him, "what do you wanna do for dinner?" asked Denki, you thought to yourself, "what do you wanna do?" you asked.

"do you maybe wanna try some chinese?" he asked, you thought to yourself for a moment and nodded your head, "ok then, we can pick some up on the way home, but for now let's just relax" he said, you smiled and snuggled into him again, all of a sudden you hear some rumbling, "hey do you hear that?" you asked him sitting up, he looked at you confused.

"hear what?" he asked, you both felt the water temperature increase, "hey is that you?" he asked, you shook your head, the rumbling started to intensify, "I think we should get out" you said dragging him up, he looked at you concerned and followed you out soon afterwards the water started to bubble and roar and glow.

"I don't think that is the normal hot spring source" you said, "Luna give us some cover would you?" you asked her, both dragons immediately ran over to you both and you heard the water splash everywhere, you then heard the roar of a dragon, "ahh shit, I think that we may have entered a cave above a fire worm nest" you said.

a different kind of love vol 1 (Denki Kaminari x autistic reader)Where stories live. Discover now