chapter one

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"... wake him up!"

“He needs to wake up! We're nearly there."

"Oh, shut up!"

Groggily, I rub my eyes, my mind still not fully awake. Yeah, shut up, ​​​i think groggily. Suddenly, two hands attack me, pinning me against the wall.

"WAKE UP, NICO" comes a loud sarcastic voice right beside my ear. I groan. What the heck!? The two hands let go of me as I hear some soft giggles. I open my eyes, trying to blink the sleepiness out of my eyes. I look around, trying to answer the questions my now finally functioning brain is bursting with. The first thought that hits me is, where am I?

And then second thought that hit me, who am i?  Ok relax, first thing is what's the last thing I remember, someone named Percy then ugh, I see some mortal, then I wonder why I called them mortal, after that, I heard him.

"Nico are you ok "

"Um who are you and where am I"

"I think that we should go to the professor about this, " she said with worry.

"Um who and what time is it" I  repeat with a tired voice

"Tell us Nico what's the last thing you remember, this is very important," He said with kindness In his voice

" I remember a name besides my own, his name Percy,  that's all I Remember now please just tell me where I am, what's going, and on who are you" I said with  desperation clearly in my voice

"My name is James and Luna” he said with calming in voice, then he starts to talk "We need to get ready, get your rob on."

I just nod and say "Very well but just saying, if I die it will be in your hands." I said with a hint of fear.

"Ok then, I will see you in a bit,” said James with a calming voice, then they went out to somewhere else to get changed, then I got changed to the robes, then they came back, after while we got off the train and headed to the horses they said

“Master is here but he does not know.”

“What should we do?” one said

“We have to the big boss.” then we had gotten in the cart and got to the castle

"Nico we are almost there  "as we got closer and closer to Castle  I  then we got to Hogwarts and took the stairs of the entrance hall  as we went to a  professor McGonagall I think that here name James start to talk to her

"Professor we have a situation," he says calmly

"Yes, what is it?" she asks.

"It’s about Nico, he doesn't remember anything but his name and a guy named Percy "

then she says "Ok I will get Dumbledore here, in a minute." Now we wait

Nico D'Angelo (hp x pjo )Where stories live. Discover now